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The One Year Daily Acts of Gratitude Devotional: 365 Inspirations to Encourage a Life of Thankfulness

par Kristin Demery

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What might happen if you and your family found ways to be thankful every day?Most of us admit to being overworked, hurried, anxious, lonely, and battered by uncertainty. We want to be thankful for all that we have, but the chaos of our lives holds us back. We know that experiencing gratitude can reduce our stress, lead to a happier home, and make us feel more optimistic about ourselves and the world around us. Yet our ability to be grateful often ebbs and flows. When life is good, it's easy to feel grateful, but when life is full of hurts and challenges, gratitude takes a back seat.But the hope of more--more peace, more Jesus, more appreciation for the people in our lives that often go overlooked--keeps us trying to find ways to be thankful. In The One Year Daily Acts of Gratitude Devotional, through relatable stories, encouraging Scripture, and reflection questions, we are invited to shift our focus and increase our gratitude.Each day this year, find easy-to-do ideas for incorporating gratitude into our lives and uncover the good that God was doing all along.… (plus d'informations)

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This book was just what I needed right now. Being a new widow, sometimes it is hard to find things to be grateful for. Things seem gloomy as though everything in life seems to go wrong. The book blurb for this book truly tells it all. When we reduce our stress, things can be better and this book is just the thing to help you slow down, relax and realize despite some of the trials we may be experiencing there is still much to be grateful for. The book reminds us that God is still there looking after us and helping us by seeing to our needs.
The book has stories, scriptures and little reminders of what we can do to show out gratitude to God. These reminders helps me to put things in perspective and know that my Heavenly Father has not forgotten me as I help others as well. I often feel that we are His Hands here on Earth doing good for others. I love how this book helps me to ponder on these thoughts.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. ( )
  Sonja.Hoeke.Nish7358 | Oct 19, 2023 |
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What might happen if you and your family found ways to be thankful every day?Most of us admit to being overworked, hurried, anxious, lonely, and battered by uncertainty. We want to be thankful for all that we have, but the chaos of our lives holds us back. We know that experiencing gratitude can reduce our stress, lead to a happier home, and make us feel more optimistic about ourselves and the world around us. Yet our ability to be grateful often ebbs and flows. When life is good, it's easy to feel grateful, but when life is full of hurts and challenges, gratitude takes a back seat.But the hope of more--more peace, more Jesus, more appreciation for the people in our lives that often go overlooked--keeps us trying to find ways to be thankful. In The One Year Daily Acts of Gratitude Devotional, through relatable stories, encouraging Scripture, and reflection questions, we are invited to shift our focus and increase our gratitude.Each day this year, find easy-to-do ideas for incorporating gratitude into our lives and uncover the good that God was doing all along.

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