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Why Everything That Doesn't Matter, Matters So Much: The Way of Love in a World of Hurt

par Andi Ashworth

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A hopeful and practical model for what it means to be a Christian and a culture-maker in a world of hurt and wondrous possibility, from multi-Grammy winner Charlie Peacock and his wife and author, Andi Ashworth. Do you feel powerless and overwhelmed by the pain and suffering all around you Have you ever asked, What can I do to mend the world, my family, or my own life And if I could, why bother Does my own small part even matter If so, here comes hope from two guides who are further down the road. Charlie and Andi have written a collection of letters to Christians and spiritual seekers who think deeply and care acutely about the state of the world and their personal spheres of influence. In Why Everything That Doesn't Matter, Matters So Much, beloved and trusted mentors, Charlie and Andi offer you: Thought-provoking explorations into the many facets of Christian culture care and making, from the kitchen to Carnegie Hall. Practical guidance for how to care for and improve the quality of human life, locally and globally, no matter your vocation. A theology of imagination and creativity that provides a framework for all of life. A model for expressing love in marriage, friendship, citizenship, and every kind of work--even in the midst of cynicism, fear, exhaustion, and oppression.   It might be said of Christians that our lives are either moving in the direction of the redemption Jesus has on offer, or away from it. Each of these letters is a gentle nudge in the direction of God's powerfully ordinary purpose for each of us, no matter what the future holds, to participate fully in the beautiful, redemptive work of Christ.… (plus d'informations)

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This book is a collection of 16 letters written to answer questions about home, work, children, and faith. Peacock and Ashworth take turns addressing issues that are common today. Struggling with parenting issues? Have you allowed worldly pressures to dampen your joy? Is there a way to help this suffering world?

Success is often the measuring stick in our society today. Do we want to be successful, or should we strive to be valuable? Perhaps we should consider true value as being fruitful. "Free yourself to serve one another in love. Become a worker in God's fruit-bearing vineyard."

Grab a copy of "Why Everything That Doesn't Matter, Matters So Much" and prepare to be challenged, motivated, and encouraged!

I received a copy of this book from the authors via FrontGate Media. There was no obligation for a positive review. ( )
  fcplcataloger | Mar 22, 2024 |
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A hopeful and practical model for what it means to be a Christian and a culture-maker in a world of hurt and wondrous possibility, from multi-Grammy winner Charlie Peacock and his wife and author, Andi Ashworth. Do you feel powerless and overwhelmed by the pain and suffering all around you Have you ever asked, What can I do to mend the world, my family, or my own life And if I could, why bother Does my own small part even matter If so, here comes hope from two guides who are further down the road. Charlie and Andi have written a collection of letters to Christians and spiritual seekers who think deeply and care acutely about the state of the world and their personal spheres of influence. In Why Everything That Doesn't Matter, Matters So Much, beloved and trusted mentors, Charlie and Andi offer you: Thought-provoking explorations into the many facets of Christian culture care and making, from the kitchen to Carnegie Hall. Practical guidance for how to care for and improve the quality of human life, locally and globally, no matter your vocation. A theology of imagination and creativity that provides a framework for all of life. A model for expressing love in marriage, friendship, citizenship, and every kind of work--even in the midst of cynicism, fear, exhaustion, and oppression.   It might be said of Christians that our lives are either moving in the direction of the redemption Jesus has on offer, or away from it. Each of these letters is a gentle nudge in the direction of God's powerfully ordinary purpose for each of us, no matter what the future holds, to participate fully in the beautiful, redemptive work of Christ.

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