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par Gabrielle Lord

Séries: Gemma Lincoln (4)

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A nine-year-old boy witnesses the slaying of two of his family. His eyes lock on those of the killer... until three shots tear into his body. PI Gemma Lincoln and her best friend detective Sergeant Angie McDonald are on the case - tracking down a cold-blooded killer and piecing together evidence that hints that the murderer may have been a cop. All the while Gemma is dealing with a runaway girl, searching for a missing young woman, and trying to deal with the biggest question of her life - will she keep her baby? Gabrielle Lord draws on all her skills to weave a story that is bloody and unpredictable, yet at the same time personal, warm and very thoughtful. She stands alone as a writer who can bring together a brutal, complex crime plot with a very modern relationship story and make both threads thrilling and compelling.… (plus d'informations)

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#4 in the Gemma Lincoln series. Superintendent of Police at Manly, Bryson Finn and his sister-in-law Bettina are killed by an unknown gunman when she opens the front door of her house. His 9 year old son Donny, also shot, saw the killer and may die. Gemma Lincoln, private investigator, becomes involved when she helps her friend DS Angie McDonald. The investigation affects a third friend Senior Constable Jaki Hunter, a ballistics expert, in a number of ways. Work has been a bit slow for Gemma in recent months but now three cases arrive at once together with complications in the Finn investigation. And Gemma has personal problems - she is pregnant but the baby's father has left her; her sister whom she has recently located has fallen under the influence of a religious group; and Hugo the Ratbag seems to have moved in with her. I found this a bit difficult to settle into at first but then decided to try to read it a bit more slowly, letting things jell a bit between reads, and it was worth it. In the end the threads are resolved nicely ( )
  smik | May 18, 2007 |
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A nine-year-old boy witnesses the slaying of two of his family. His eyes lock on those of the killer... until three shots tear into his body. PI Gemma Lincoln and her best friend detective Sergeant Angie McDonald are on the case - tracking down a cold-blooded killer and piecing together evidence that hints that the murderer may have been a cop. All the while Gemma is dealing with a runaway girl, searching for a missing young woman, and trying to deal with the biggest question of her life - will she keep her baby? Gabrielle Lord draws on all her skills to weave a story that is bloody and unpredictable, yet at the same time personal, warm and very thoughtful. She stands alone as a writer who can bring together a brutal, complex crime plot with a very modern relationship story and make both threads thrilling and compelling.

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