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White as Snow (An Áróra Investigation)

par Lilja Sigurdardottir

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Daniel and Arora hunt a brutal killer when a shipping container with the bodies of five women is found outside Reykjavik, as Arora continues the search for her missing sister. Book three in the addictive, chilling An Arora Investigation series. On a snowy winter morning, an abandoned shipping container is discovered near Reykjavik. Inside are the bodies of five young women - one of them barely alive. As Icelandic Police detective Daniel struggles to investigate the most brutal crime of his career, Arora looks into the background of a suspicious man, who turns out to be engaged to Daniel's former wife, and the connections don't stop there... Daniel and Arora's cases pit them both against ruthless criminals with horrifying agendas, while Arora persists with her search for her missing sister, Isafold, whose devastating disappearance continues to haunt her. As the temperature drops and the 24-hour darkness and freezing snow hamper their efforts, their investigations become increasingly dangerous ... for everyone. Atmospheric, twisty and breathtakingly tense, White as Snow is the third instalment in the riveting, award-winning An Arora Investigation series, as crimes committed far beyond Iceland's shores come home... Shortlisted for The Blood Drop - Icelandic Crime Novel of the Year, 2022.… (plus d'informations)

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This is the third book in the Áróra Investigations series, following Cold as Hell and Red as Blood. I’m glad I read Red as Blood just before White as Snow because there is some overlap. Criminal elements that Áróra, a financial investigator, encounters in it make an appearance in this novel as well.

Five women are found in an abandoned shipping container; only one, Bisi Babalola, is alive. Daníel Hansson, a police detective and Áróra’s friend and romantic interest, becomes involved in this human trafficking case. He is assisted by his colleague Helena who plays a key role in helping Bisi. Meanwhile, Áróra is asked to investigate Sergei, the lover of Elín, Daníel’s ex-wife and Áróra’s cousin. Sergei is pushing for marriage, but Elín has some doubts stemming from secretive conversations he has in Russian, a language she does not understand. From the beginning, I correctly guessed the connection between the two investigations, but it was interesting to read how the links are uncovered.

Readers of the previous novels will be happy to encounter familiar characters, though I found that Áróra is not as involved as in previous cases. My favourite character, Lady Gúgúlú, makes several appearances. She helps to provide some lighter moments in a book that examines the dark side of humanity. The conversations about chick peas and the “step-mother” are welcome relief when abductions, human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and murder are crimes being investigated.

The book focuses on human trafficking. What I appreciated is that the book examines the toll both on victims and investigators. Because Bisi’s perspective is included, we learn, through her flashbacks, how she fell victim to traffickers and the impact her horrific experience has on her. The introduction of Rita later in the novel only emphasizes the latter. Daníel is traumatized by what he sees in the shipping container, so much so that he doesn’t want to be in charge of the case.

Helena works closely with Bisi and I enjoyed reading about how Bisi comes to trust her. It is because of Helena that Bisi begins to cooperate with the police. I was so pleased with myself for correctly guessing the reason for Bisi’s not wanting to return to her home country. And it was great to learn about the development in the relationship between Helena and Sirra which is introduced in Red as Blood.

There is mention of Áróra’s looking for her missing sister, but that search is not concluded, so I assume there will be more books in this series. There’s also the relationship between Áróra and Daníel to develop further. I look forward to the next installment in the series, a series I recommend. Its short, snappy chapters and quick pace make for a fast but enjoyable read.

Note: Please check out my reader's blog ( and follow me on Twitter ( ( )
  Schatje | Oct 15, 2023 |
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Daniel and Arora hunt a brutal killer when a shipping container with the bodies of five women is found outside Reykjavik, as Arora continues the search for her missing sister. Book three in the addictive, chilling An Arora Investigation series. On a snowy winter morning, an abandoned shipping container is discovered near Reykjavik. Inside are the bodies of five young women - one of them barely alive. As Icelandic Police detective Daniel struggles to investigate the most brutal crime of his career, Arora looks into the background of a suspicious man, who turns out to be engaged to Daniel's former wife, and the connections don't stop there... Daniel and Arora's cases pit them both against ruthless criminals with horrifying agendas, while Arora persists with her search for her missing sister, Isafold, whose devastating disappearance continues to haunt her. As the temperature drops and the 24-hour darkness and freezing snow hamper their efforts, their investigations become increasingly dangerous ... for everyone. Atmospheric, twisty and breathtakingly tense, White as Snow is the third instalment in the riveting, award-winning An Arora Investigation series, as crimes committed far beyond Iceland's shores come home... Shortlisted for The Blood Drop - Icelandic Crime Novel of the Year, 2022.

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