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Help Wanted: A Novel par Adelle Waldman

Help Wanted: A Novel (édition 2024)

par Adelle Waldman (Auteur)

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1223231,649 (3.82)1
From the best-selling author of The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P. comes a funny, eye-opening tale of work in contemporary America. Every day at 3:55 a.m., members of Team Movement clock in for their shift at big-box store Town Square in a small upstate New York town. Under the eyes of a self-absorbed and barely competent boss, they empty the day's truck of merchandise, stock the shelves, and scatter before the store opens and customers arrive. Their lives follow a familiar if grueling routine, but their real problem is that Town Square doesn't schedule them for enough hours?most of them are barely getting by, even while working second or third jobs. When store manager Big Will announces he is leaving, the members of Movement spot an opportunity. If they play their cards right, one of them just might land a management job, with all the stability and possibility for advancement that that implies. The members of Team Movement?including a comedy-obsessed oddball who acts half his age, a young woman clinging on to her "cool kid" status from high school, and a college football hopeful trying to find a new path?band together to set a just-so-crazy-it-might-work plot in motion. Adelle Waldman's debut novel was a breakout sensation, lauded by the Los Angeles Times as an "exacting character study" with "excellent and witty prose" and described as "incisive and very funny" by the Economist and "brilliant" by both NPR's Fresh Air and the Washington Post. In her long-awaited follow-up, Waldman brings her unparalleled wit and astute social observation to the world of modern, low-wage work. A humane and darkly comic workplace caper that shines a light on the odds low-wage workers are up against in today's economy, Help Wanted is a funny, moving tale of ordinary people trying to make a living.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Help Wanted: A Novel
Auteurs:Adelle Waldman (Auteur)
Info:W. W. Norton & Company (2024), 288 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Help Wanted par Adelle Waldman


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3 sur 3
I'm a fangirl of workplace novels, but it's a rare one that tells stories of blue and pink collar workers. This one, set in a fading big box store in a fading Catskill town, seems real in the most depressing sense: long hours, irregular schedules, difficult physical labor, lack of a union, no other jobs. The overnight "Movement Crew" unloads heavy boxes, sorts, and puts the incredible variety of items into their designated displays. As WalMart is mentioned as an actual worse workplace, and Amazon is blamed for their low wages, a reader might assume that the store is a Target. The author is totally invested in the nine members of Movement Crew and in their managers, all as pawns in the corporate game. When a well-like manager is moved to a more prosperous Connecticut location, an internal plot is hatched to ruin the promotion chance for a widely disliked micromanager. Each of the nine conspirators has a discouraging back story, including of lack of education, commission of petty crimes, and stasis. They all are vividly and empathetically portrayed as the "true Americans" that have come to be held in contempt as Trump-aligned, although there are no politics discussed, just ill fortune due to their inability to make any headway. This is as memorable a trip as the dustbowl depression journey of the Joad family. ( )
1 voter froxgirl | Aug 15, 2024 |
This book is about people. As the story moves along it reveals more and more details about each of the main characters making them into very well-rounded and sympathetic characters. At the end of the book, the reader is left with feelings of affection for each of them.

This book is also about teams at work and shows how slight changes can affect the entire team's spirit. The book is therefore interesting for anyone who has worked closely in a team or managed a team. ( )
  M_Clark | May 15, 2024 |
This is the first time I have read Adelle Waldman and I greatly enjoyed the book. The subject matter is one that needs to done more often. That is about the working poor in our country. The story takes place now and is in Potterstown New York which is a an upstate town that has seen better days. It used to have IBM but they left and now jobs etc are scarce. Town Square is a big retail Walmart type store that contains all the negative things we think of about modern big store retail. The employees of the "Movement" group which is a cute corporate name for logistics and a group of people just trying to keep their lives together. They are low wage non-union people that due to managements policy of keeping hours down to prevent overtime and having to pay benefits need food stamps, second jobs, and hopefully living in their parents spare rooms to make life go. There are adults with kids, ex-spouses, absent parents etc. All the negative things that can go wrong at this end of economic hierarchy are dealt with in the book. Waldman introduces the team and gives the reader a real look into this lives of people that have to deal with each day being a struggle. She does this with humor and insight. You really get to learn about life in this environment and how even a glimmer of hope is grabbed on to in order to get them through the day. This is a worthwhile read, both funny, sad, and educational. I will be sure to get her first novel and am glad to be introduced to this author. ( )
2 voter nivramkoorb | May 1, 2024 |
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From the best-selling author of The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P. comes a funny, eye-opening tale of work in contemporary America. Every day at 3:55 a.m., members of Team Movement clock in for their shift at big-box store Town Square in a small upstate New York town. Under the eyes of a self-absorbed and barely competent boss, they empty the day's truck of merchandise, stock the shelves, and scatter before the store opens and customers arrive. Their lives follow a familiar if grueling routine, but their real problem is that Town Square doesn't schedule them for enough hours?most of them are barely getting by, even while working second or third jobs. When store manager Big Will announces he is leaving, the members of Movement spot an opportunity. If they play their cards right, one of them just might land a management job, with all the stability and possibility for advancement that that implies. The members of Team Movement?including a comedy-obsessed oddball who acts half his age, a young woman clinging on to her "cool kid" status from high school, and a college football hopeful trying to find a new path?band together to set a just-so-crazy-it-might-work plot in motion. Adelle Waldman's debut novel was a breakout sensation, lauded by the Los Angeles Times as an "exacting character study" with "excellent and witty prose" and described as "incisive and very funny" by the Economist and "brilliant" by both NPR's Fresh Air and the Washington Post. In her long-awaited follow-up, Waldman brings her unparalleled wit and astute social observation to the world of modern, low-wage work. A humane and darkly comic workplace caper that shines a light on the odds low-wage workers are up against in today's economy, Help Wanted is a funny, moving tale of ordinary people trying to make a living.

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