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The Infinite Loop / Lazo Infinito, El (Paz…

The Infinite Loop / Lazo Infinito, El (Paz Prize for Poetry) (édition 2023)

par Oneyda González (Auteur), Eduardo Aparicio (Traducteur), Lourdes Vazquez (Introduction)

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1271,660,891 (3.93)2
A wonderful, bilingual collection from the latest winner of the Paz Prize for Poetry, granted by the National Poetry Series, that explores the interconnection between pain, love, and hope. Oneyda González's astounding winning entry of the Paz Prize for Poetry is a searching and yearning triumph of hope over pain--through love. It is no small coincidence that González and Paz are linked in this publication, since the spiritual experience the latter lived and observed in India have accompanied González for many years, through her own curious search of the invisible that culminated in The Infinite Loop / El Lazo Infinito. In this bilingual collection, pain and love combine in a self-annihilating matter-against-energy reaction that eventually amounts to a dynamic and deliberate formula for understanding hope. The Infinite Loop exists in the most fiery flames of friction where the personal will to survive--to hope to survive--is forged. González's book was selected by judge Lourdes Vázquez, who says of his selection: "There was strong competition, but El lazo infinito stands out for its unique inner depth. In a kind of introspective scenario--a movie theater--a poem begins the rite and as a voice, an 'I' (that personal identity) in continuous dialogue with her inner voice. That never-ending reflection creates a universe of revelations, desires, and knowledge, and its course diverge, intermingle, and grow like the stems of a plant."… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Infinite Loop / Lazo Infinito, El (Paz Prize for Poetry)
Auteurs:Oneyda González (Auteur)
Autres auteurs:Eduardo Aparicio (Traducteur), Lourdes Vazquez (Introduction)
Info:Akashic Books (2023), Edition: Bilingual, 154 pages
Collections:Early Reviewer

Information sur l'oeuvre

The Infinite Loop / El Lazo Infinito par Oneyda González


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» Voir aussi les 2 mentions

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Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
I very much enjoyed this meaningful collection of poetry. Im learning Spanish and loved that it was bilingual. This book was so beautiful. ( )
  beckyjazz | Feb 18, 2024 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
It's ok.

Its the Spanish poem next to the translation so that's kind of cool. ( )
  Kea142 | Jan 22, 2024 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
Oneyda González’s collection, The Infinite Loop / El lazo infinito is a remarkable bilingual collection of poetry. Perhaps rather than thinking of these poems as a mere loop, it might be better to consider them as a Möbius one, where there is neither inside nor outside. And where for the purposes of reading, there is not an original text, but rather a text of entry, be it in Spanish or in English.
To add to the complexity - most enjoyable complexity - we also need to take into consideration the loci of enunciation of the author. Cuban, but in the US, writing in Spanish, but publishing in translation and all the underlying politics of reception that necessarily go beyond González’s stance on the matter, but are nonetheless, unavoidable: the persistence of history.
It would be wise then, to pay attention to González’s warning: “No voy a seguir aquí - I will no longer remain here” (124-125), in which she presents herself as “una ambigua sombra entre las ramas (an ambiguous shadow among the branches)”. Where the in-definition persists, then the available option for “Los que me buscan, que se busquen (those who seek me, let them seek themselves)”.
Like any deserving collection of poetry, González’s work invites us to a careful reading and a willingness to let the images grow in time. It is worth noticing that the three sections of the book: El lazo (The Loop - although I am tempted to lean more toward “lasso”), Ante el espejo (Facing the mirror), and El otro y yo (The other and I), propose a close link between the poems and their readers. It is well worth the effort and the risk, of finding ourselves reflected in mirrors, entangled in her loops.
  MariaLuisaLacroix | Jan 17, 2024 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
Please note: My review is based on an early reviewer copy.
Oneyda Gonzalez is a Cuban Poet with several collections of poetry and awards for her work. The Infinith Loop is what we call a confessional book of poetry, filled with emotions. The book confirms that as much as we long for love, and cherish it, pain comes with it, just by its very nature.

Oddly enough, my favorite poem was the first in the collection, Prayer to Our Lady of Charity of El Cobre which is a poignant tribute to soldiers who didn't choose to be soldiers but gave their lives anyway and possibly lay beneath the soil, far from family, far from their questions, far from the pain of loss that the living must contain. It's also an ode to the mothers who bear the sons who become the fodder of war but also an accusation to those mothers for allowing it.

Gonzalez asks:
"What does it mean,
a bouquet of roses after the fact?
What do they offer to the scene?
And you, Mother, what do you see?
And those who go with you?
Do you still have the sea at your feet?
Do they?
Do you know, Mother,
what a young man feels
there, so alone in the meadow?

Much of Gonzalez poetry requires a few readings or even more to grasp the depth of her intention and purpose. The Infinite Loop is not an easy read but it's a passionate, painful and poignant read. ( )
  HighCountry | Jan 15, 2024 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
The poems here are fine, but never hold my attention or say enough to justify their existence. I read the English only, so I can't say how much of the issue lies in the translation. ( )
  owen1218 | Jan 14, 2024 |
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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Oneyda Gonzálezauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Aparicio, EduardoTraducteurauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Vazquez, LourdesIntroductionauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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A wonderful, bilingual collection from the latest winner of the Paz Prize for Poetry, granted by the National Poetry Series, that explores the interconnection between pain, love, and hope. Oneyda González's astounding winning entry of the Paz Prize for Poetry is a searching and yearning triumph of hope over pain--through love. It is no small coincidence that González and Paz are linked in this publication, since the spiritual experience the latter lived and observed in India have accompanied González for many years, through her own curious search of the invisible that culminated in The Infinite Loop / El Lazo Infinito. In this bilingual collection, pain and love combine in a self-annihilating matter-against-energy reaction that eventually amounts to a dynamic and deliberate formula for understanding hope. The Infinite Loop exists in the most fiery flames of friction where the personal will to survive--to hope to survive--is forged. González's book was selected by judge Lourdes Vázquez, who says of his selection: "There was strong competition, but El lazo infinito stands out for its unique inner depth. In a kind of introspective scenario--a movie theater--a poem begins the rite and as a voice, an 'I' (that personal identity) in continuous dialogue with her inner voice. That never-ending reflection creates a universe of revelations, desires, and knowledge, and its course diverge, intermingle, and grow like the stems of a plant."

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