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The Dying Place: Detective Alyssa Wyatt, Book 5

par Charly Cox

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Fiction. Literature. Thriller. HTML:

When the trunk slammed closed, sealing her fate, a deep cold slithered into the center of Kennedy's bones. All she could do was pray that her attacker would leave enough of her for her family to identify...

Kennedy Farmer, an experienced athlete, never returns after leaving for her usual running route through the dusty mountain trails of New Mexico.

While the search for Kennedy begins, Detective Alyssa Wyatt and her squad face a terrifying new case when the body of a young woman, Rheagan Pembroke, is discovered in the desert terrain surrounding Albuquerque.

Her wounds horrify even the hardened squad of the Albuquerque P.D. – and the case takes an even darker turn when they discover a polaroid stuffed into the victim's mouth, showing the body of Gunner Galveston, a murder victim from fourteen years ago. Alyssa was a detective on the case, but the culprit was never caught.

As the team are taunted with gruesome packages and blood-curdling phone calls, it becomes evident that a serial killer – whose blood lust is quickly increasing – has been operating in plain sight.

To catch a killer, Alyssa and the squad need to understand the savage desires driving them ... before Kennedy becomes another life taken at the hands of a psychopath.

Meet Alyssa Wyatt: detective, mom ... and a serial killer's worst nightmare. This incredibly addictive detective series will thrill fans of Karin Slaughter, Chris Carter and Kendra Elliot.

Readers can't put The Dying Place down:

'Wow. This was beyond fast-paced...had my pulse racing, heart pounding...I didn't see the identity of the killer coming.' ????? Reader Review

'A very well written, thrilling and absorbing read that I loved from start to finish ...If you like solid police procedurals with relatable, likeable characters I'd highly recommend this series ... Just loved, loved, loved this read'????? Reader Review

'Holy s*#t...Wow!...I couldn't put it down.' ????? Reader Review

'This book is filled with page-turning action... I've loved this series since book #1'????? Reader Review

'This was a very gripping thriller that was hard to put down.'????? Reader Review

'The Alyssa Wyatt books are one of my favourite series at the moment. They're such a great blend of characters and also gritty chilling storylines ... the writing always keeps me on the edge of my seat'????? Reader Review

'I read this book within a day...The plot moves along fast and I was shocked when I found out who the culprit was.'????? Reader Review

'My poor heart is still pounding! This book had it all...high suspense, intrigue, action, murder, mystery, a sadistic serial killer, and great police work.'????? Reader Review

'The fast-paced story hooked me from the start and never let up. I loved the surprising reveal and the emotional responses were really well-written...'????? Reader Review

'Unputdownable ... a well-executed mystery that had me on the edge of my seat.'????? Reader Review

'The author plotted this brilliantly as the revelation MAKES SENSE even though you don't see it coming.'????? Reader Review

'The suspense and mystery in this one build really well ... I was blindsided when the truth revealed itself!'????? Reader Review

'Love this series, the characters are all well developed. Can't wait to see what's next.'????? Reader Review

'This book was intense, gruesome and so much fun! I loved it!'????? Reader Review

… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté paralannalane, PaulaGalvan, ColettaMary

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Detective Alyssa Wyatt and her partner, Cord Roberts, are back and facing off with a sadistic serial killer. The plot is fast-paced and suspenseful as Alyssa and her team scramble to save the killer's last victim from a horrible death. Thanks to Hal and others working on the case, the Albuquerque PD is finally able to capture this demented murderer. The ending was nice as Alyssa's family gathers for a wedding—although a bit anti-climatic for this police thriller. ( )
  PaulaGalvan | Jul 14, 2023 |
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Fiction. Literature. Thriller. HTML:

When the trunk slammed closed, sealing her fate, a deep cold slithered into the center of Kennedy's bones. All she could do was pray that her attacker would leave enough of her for her family to identify...

Kennedy Farmer, an experienced athlete, never returns after leaving for her usual running route through the dusty mountain trails of New Mexico.

While the search for Kennedy begins, Detective Alyssa Wyatt and her squad face a terrifying new case when the body of a young woman, Rheagan Pembroke, is discovered in the desert terrain surrounding Albuquerque.

Her wounds horrify even the hardened squad of the Albuquerque P.D. – and the case takes an even darker turn when they discover a polaroid stuffed into the victim's mouth, showing the body of Gunner Galveston, a murder victim from fourteen years ago. Alyssa was a detective on the case, but the culprit was never caught.

As the team are taunted with gruesome packages and blood-curdling phone calls, it becomes evident that a serial killer – whose blood lust is quickly increasing – has been operating in plain sight.

To catch a killer, Alyssa and the squad need to understand the savage desires driving them ... before Kennedy becomes another life taken at the hands of a psychopath.

Meet Alyssa Wyatt: detective, mom ... and a serial killer's worst nightmare. This incredibly addictive detective series will thrill fans of Karin Slaughter, Chris Carter and Kendra Elliot.

Readers can't put The Dying Place down:

'Wow. This was beyond fast-paced...had my pulse racing, heart pounding...I didn't see the identity of the killer coming.' ????? Reader Review

'A very well written, thrilling and absorbing read that I loved from start to finish ...If you like solid police procedurals with relatable, likeable characters I'd highly recommend this series ... Just loved, loved, loved this read'????? Reader Review

'Holy s*#t...Wow!...I couldn't put it down.' ????? Reader Review

'This book is filled with page-turning action... I've loved this series since book #1'????? Reader Review

'This was a very gripping thriller that was hard to put down.'????? Reader Review

'The Alyssa Wyatt books are one of my favourite series at the moment. They're such a great blend of characters and also gritty chilling storylines ... the writing always keeps me on the edge of my seat'????? Reader Review

'I read this book within a day...The plot moves along fast and I was shocked when I found out who the culprit was.'????? Reader Review

'My poor heart is still pounding! This book had it all...high suspense, intrigue, action, murder, mystery, a sadistic serial killer, and great police work.'????? Reader Review

'The fast-paced story hooked me from the start and never let up. I loved the surprising reveal and the emotional responses were really well-written...'????? Reader Review

'Unputdownable ... a well-executed mystery that had me on the edge of my seat.'????? Reader Review

'The author plotted this brilliantly as the revelation MAKES SENSE even though you don't see it coming.'????? Reader Review

'The suspense and mystery in this one build really well ... I was blindsided when the truth revealed itself!'????? Reader Review

'Love this series, the characters are all well developed. Can't wait to see what's next.'????? Reader Review

'This book was intense, gruesome and so much fun! I loved it!'????? Reader Review


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