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Take a Chance (PROSPERITY RANCH Book 5)

par Heather B. Moore

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Ava Sampson always thought she knew what she wanted, until she meets Lane Prosper. USA Today bestselling author Heather B. Moore welcomes you to Prosperity Ranch!Lane Prosper has always had a plan. Unlike his brothers, he can see his future clearly, and his path is leading him straight there. Just because he meets Ava Sampson on his last day in Arizona-the day of his college graduation-doesn't mean fate is trying to change his plans, does it?(All characters in this book are fictional and not based on real people. The town of Prosper is also fictional and not named after any other towns named Prosper.)Books in the series:One Summer DaySteal My HeartNot Over YouTake a Chance… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parcamillevla5, cflores0420

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It is always a pleasure to come back to Prosperity Ranch and the Prosper family! Take a Chance focuses on Lane, the youngest of the clan, who has just graduated from college, and is planning on going back home to Texas when his plans take a slight detour thanks to a piano prodigy.

I don’t normally enjoy instant love stories but there is something truly special about Lane and Ava’s story. Maybe because it’s more ‘love at first listen’ instead of love at first sight, as Lane falls for the girl playing the piano before he even sees her. It is this musical bond that carries these two throughout the story, and speaks to my own musical heart. Though they are quite opposite it is music that brings them together and bonds them on a deeper level.

Though each novel in this series can be read as a standalone, I feel like you benefit so much more by reading the series in its entirety, as it really makes you appreciate what has brought these characters to where they are now. I loved getting to check in with past characters and seeing how their lives are progressing.

Take a Chance is a quick, charming read that fits perfectly into this series and is the perfect short and sweet read that is easy to pick up on a lazy afternoon. I really hope we get to see more of Lane and Ava. Their chemistry is intoxicating and though their relationship is a whirlwind it is also not out of the realm of possibility, adding that special spark. Just when I thought I couldn’t love this series any more this novel captures my heart and imagination. I love it!

*I have voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book which I received from the author/publisher. All views and opinions expressed are completely honest, and my own. ( )
  cflores0420 | May 14, 2023 |
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Ava Sampson always thought she knew what she wanted, until she meets Lane Prosper. USA Today bestselling author Heather B. Moore welcomes you to Prosperity Ranch!Lane Prosper has always had a plan. Unlike his brothers, he can see his future clearly, and his path is leading him straight there. Just because he meets Ava Sampson on his last day in Arizona-the day of his college graduation-doesn't mean fate is trying to change his plans, does it?(All characters in this book are fictional and not based on real people. The town of Prosper is also fictional and not named after any other towns named Prosper.)Books in the series:One Summer DaySteal My HeartNot Over YouTake a Chance

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