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The (Ex) Spy Who (Maybe) Loved Me

par Christi Barth

Séries: Swan Cove (2)

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NYC is exactly what scientist Blake Montgomery needs. A little decadence and a whoooole lot of anonymity, well away from the prying eyes of her charming, touristy small town of Swan Cove. Now, at the end of a whirlwind trip, she has one final thing to cross off her to-do list: a sexy fling. And the hot, green-eyed stranger at the Maine airport bar might be her perfect one-night stand. Until, of course, he shows up in her town the very next day. Wyatt Keene is just an average guy--now. But four days ago, he was a black ops intelligence agent who spent fifteen years being someone--anyone--except himself. For one hot night, Blake makes him forget he's supposed to start his life all over himself. Talk about mission impossible. Except suddenly Wyatt and Blake are not only stuck in the same town together, but also sharing the same office, and there's no escaping their scorching hot chemistry. Wyatt's trying to convince everyone, especially Blake, that he's just a normal guy--whatever that means. But nothing spells danger like trying to start a relationship with an ex-spy who hasn't quite left his old life behind...… (plus d'informations)

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Eeek! Of course, I loved this book! The characters profiles have been my forever dreamworld fantasy match.
Hunky artistic spy meets beautiful brainiac scientist…need I say more?!?!
My heart soared in delight as they both were able to open themselves up to each other and see themselves in a greater sense.
I love it when the universe turns one night flings into happily ever afters!
Steam: ( )
  GeauxGetLit | May 27, 2023 |
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For my beloved husband, who makes everything we do together FUN. And to whom this title should sound cringingly familiar…
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Airport bars, the world over, looked the same.
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NYC is exactly what scientist Blake Montgomery needs. A little decadence and a whoooole lot of anonymity, well away from the prying eyes of her charming, touristy small town of Swan Cove. Now, at the end of a whirlwind trip, she has one final thing to cross off her to-do list: a sexy fling. And the hot, green-eyed stranger at the Maine airport bar might be her perfect one-night stand. Until, of course, he shows up in her town the very next day. Wyatt Keene is just an average guy--now. But four days ago, he was a black ops intelligence agent who spent fifteen years being someone--anyone--except himself. For one hot night, Blake makes him forget he's supposed to start his life all over himself. Talk about mission impossible. Except suddenly Wyatt and Blake are not only stuck in the same town together, but also sharing the same office, and there's no escaping their scorching hot chemistry. Wyatt's trying to convince everyone, especially Blake, that he's just a normal guy--whatever that means. But nothing spells danger like trying to start a relationship with an ex-spy who hasn't quite left his old life behind...

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