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Akashic Records: Gemstone Guardians: Healing…

Akashic Records: Gemstone Guardians: Healing Messages to Overcome Fear, Navigate Change, and Choose the Evolution of Your Personal Power (Akashic Records Discovery Collection) (édition 2023)

par Cheryl Marlene (Auteur)

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Titre:Akashic Records: Gemstone Guardians: Healing Messages to Overcome Fear, Navigate Change, and Choose the Evolution of Your Personal Power (Akashic Records Discovery Collection)
Auteurs:Cheryl Marlene (Auteur)
Info:Soul Bright Press (2023), 160 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Akashic Records: Gemstone Guardians par Cheryl Marlene


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Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
This is a very interesting read. I am going to go back and do the prompts when I have a chance because this book is very insightful and healing to enjoy.

I had never heard of Akashic Records until another novel that I was reading had it in it and I do believe in connections so this is why I enjoy reading such an interesting book.

Thank you for the giveaway. ( )
  Alastabdk | Nov 16, 2023 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
The Akashic Records: Gemstone Guardians by Cheryl Marlene When I opened this book I did not have any prior knowledge of the Akashic Records. As I started to read it, I found that I needed much more information about the theory and practice of the Akashic Records. This book is not for the beginner going in blind. In the beginning of the book, there is an author's note with two URLS to get you started before getting into the Gemstone Guardians book. This book is not a how-to or a crystal guide. There are a lot of great advice bits throughout the book. To me, it reads like a self-help book with plenty of motivational one liners. There are personal explorations questions for journaling, contemplation, and meditation at the end of each gemstone chapter. Most people could benefit from this kind of personal exploration regardless of their beliefs in the Akashic Records, tbh. All in all, this book is written for someone who already has started their journey with Akashic Records and has a decent understanding of what it is and what to expect. I thank the author Cheryl Marlene and LibraryThing for giving me the opportunity to review this book. I will be coming back to it at a later date when I have a more solid understanding of the Akashic Records system.
  HazeyRecollect | Oct 4, 2023 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
Before I felt knowledgeable enough to write a review of "Akashic Records: Gemstone Guardians", it was important for me to acquire more understanding of the subject. After further reading and coming across familiar ideas, such as collective unconscious, my understanding was enhanced. After doing that, it was helpful to apply the author's discussion of certain gemstones and their place and importance in our lives. The beauty of gemstones has always charmed me and it is interesting to consider their influences on our lives.

My thanks to the author, Cheryl Marlene, and to LibraryThing, through whom I received my copy of this book. ( )
  KimberlyGG | Jul 17, 2023 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
I am new to studying and learning about gemstones but I did find some interesting information in this book. I was a little lost at times but I think as I learn more this will be a book that I go back to and reread. ( )
  LorieSt | Jul 13, 2023 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
I requested this book as an early reviews to gain insight into the energy of gemstones.

I dont feel this book would necessarily be for a beginner that has no knowledge of Akashic Records.

The book does well to describe individually in chapters different gemstones and the energy they possess.

I still don't quite understand the concept of Akashic Records or Guardian Gemstones, but the book has spiked my curiosity. ( )
  parking | Jul 5, 2023 |
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