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Yesterday's Plans (When You Walk Away Book…

Yesterday's Plans (When You Walk Away Book 1) (édition 2023)

par Alexis Noël (Auteur)

Séries: When You Walk Away (1)

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Giving Grayson back the ring was the hardest thing Elodie Hudson ever did. Moving back to Birch Creek was a close second. At 27, she never thought she'd live in her childhood home again. Yet, here she is. Doing dishes with her dad. Watching Grey's Anatomy reruns with her mom. To top it all off her younger sister's wedding is just around the corner. As maid of honor, Elodie must set aside her own problems and feelings, so she can fully step into her role. And, against all odds, she's managing just fine. That is, until Beckett Quinn returns to town. Now Elodie finds herself forced to reconcile with feelings that she thought she'd put behind her a decade ago.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Yesterday's Plans (When You Walk Away Book 1)
Auteurs:Alexis Noël (Auteur)
Info:(2023), 218 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Yesterday's Plans par Alexis Noël


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Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
Yesterday’s Plans is marketed as a romance book about how the pandemic affected the lives of many individuals, including the main character Eloise and her fiancé. To be honest, I wasn’t very thrilled to be reading a book with a heavily coded Covid-19 plot line but I was actually quite interested to know how Elodie’s life played out to the end. This is a short book—only 200ish pages which made it a quick read—however it had an odd pacing. Most of the book was varied chapters of past and present with the ex-fiancé (who is not the love interest of the book) and toward the middle end were introduced to Beckett (the high school lover who stood the main character up at her school dance). One of my favorite things about this book was the friendship between Eloise and her best friend Marissa. I love their communication, connection, and how well they just got each other even when they went their separate ways after high school. This part was just beautifully written and I applaud the author for including a healthy friendship throughout an entire book which I find incredibly rare. My faults with the book include the very annoying personality of Elodie. I feel like she is too stuck in the past (I understand having a mourning moment for the man she lost due to the pandemic) but through the entire book she was reminiscing and depressed about the man she lost. And then the sudden blossoming (re-blossomed?) romance with Beckett seemed a bit too rushed as she seemed too attached to her ex-fiancé and the wrongdoing of what Beckett did to her as a teenager for her to move on this quickly. It was just weird. And for this being a book about romance, I really felt it was lacking quite a bit. Especially the last chapter of the book. I do look forward to reading the next book in the series though, and am hoping for a happily written ending for Elodie and Beckett. ( )
  BaileyBooth | Jul 27, 2023 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
Elodie is home after breaking her engagement to Grayson. She is helping her sister with the plans for her wedding. Beckett is back fixing up his parents house to sell. Her family keeps pushing them together, but Elodie just thinks of the boy who stood her up at prom. I enjoyed the book very much. It shows how you think you have your life planned and then things get in the way. Love the characters, especially Marissa. I will be looking for more books by this author.

I was given an advanced copy for free, and am leaving this review voluntarily. ( )
  grammyellen | Jul 15, 2023 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
This was a tsunami of emotions, heartbreaking and the way to healing. The anguish feelings of a broken heart were so well written. It felt so realistic as i read it and as she slowly comes to love again i am smiling while reading. This was truly a second chance romance that was beautifully written and I enjoyed reading it.
  InesMoli | Apr 26, 2023 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
Yesterday’s Plans: Elodie broke up with her fiancé, quit her job in Boston, and moved home to live with her parents. She is still heartbroken, even though she knows it was the right decision, and feels adrift. Nothing has worked out how she planned. Then she sees her old neighbor, Beckett. Elodie thought they had something in high school, but then Beckett stood her up at prom. Now they keep getting thrown together and Elodie isn’t sure what she and her heart want.

I really liked Yesterday’s Plans. Elodie is an extremely relatable character. It can be hard to bounce back from a big life change/disappointed, especially when it seems like those closest to you have it all figured out. Her best friend is married with a kid, her little sister is getting married, and Elodie feels like she is going back to square one. As a person who can’t stop with comparing myself with anyone and everyone, I really felt for her.

Elodie’s friend Marissa is a delight. She was a lot of fun! Her wife was hilarious, too. And I love Beckett! He likes to tease, he is good with his hands, and is really helpful. Very acts of service. Very hot. VERY. He and Elodie have great chemistry.

Yesterday’s Plans has a lot of flashbacks: to Elodie and Beckett in high school and to Elodie and her ex-fiancé as they fall in love and fall apart. I loved it. Elodie is looking back on her life, the ways things went awry, as she is trying to heal and figure out her future, so I thought all the flashbacks were just perfect.

My only issue: this is book one of two, and it ends before anything is really resolved. I know the HEA is coming but I want it now!!

Thank you to Alexis Noel and LibraryThing for the ARC!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. ( )
  wilsonwalker | Apr 3, 2023 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
My thanks to the author and Library Thing for giving me the opportunity to read this book and give my opinion of it in the following review.

Apparently, Yesterday's Plans is the first of a duet because this story just ends abruptly. I was unaware that this book would be an incomplete story when I received it through the Early Reviewers program on Library Thing. Had I known this, I probably would not have wanted to read it. So be aware when choosing this book to read that it is an incomplete story.

Yesterday's Plans focuses on Elodie who has broken up with her fiancé Grayson and has moved back in with her parents while she is figuring out what she wants to do going forward. One thing I liked about this book was that the heroine was not just moving on with someone else at the drop of a hat. She is not eager to date or "get over" Grayson. This was realistic to me and I appreciated it. The new love interest is Beckett, a former boyfriend from Elodie's past. I was frustrated with the story of their relationship because I wanted to understand more about why they didn't work out in the past and we don't find out everything we want to know in this book. Sigh.... We get some insight, but not enough for me to really understand why Beckett is determined to win Elodie back after all these years. Has he been pining for her all this time? What is the story here? Do I want to know enough to pick up the next book? I'm not sure yet. Again, not a fan of duets when everything could have been said and done in one book. That's my opinion anyway. 3 stars ( )
  sdbookhound | Mar 29, 2023 |
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Giving Grayson back the ring was the hardest thing Elodie Hudson ever did. Moving back to Birch Creek was a close second. At 27, she never thought she'd live in her childhood home again. Yet, here she is. Doing dishes with her dad. Watching Grey's Anatomy reruns with her mom. To top it all off her younger sister's wedding is just around the corner. As maid of honor, Elodie must set aside her own problems and feelings, so she can fully step into her role. And, against all odds, she's managing just fine. That is, until Beckett Quinn returns to town. Now Elodie finds herself forced to reconcile with feelings that she thought she'd put behind her a decade ago.

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Le livre Yesterday's Plans de Alexis Noël était disponible sur LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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