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Gantz Omnibus 12 [Vols. 34-37]

par Hiroya Oku

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Séries: Gantz (Backloaded 3-in-1 Omnibus 12 (34-37))

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Hiroya Oku's Gantz reaches its apocalyptic conclusion! A stunning adult epic of mind-blowing science fiction, gut-wrenching body horror, and eye-popping eroticism, Gantz has sold over 15 million copies in Japan and inspired three feature films and an anime TV series. This value-priced collection features 856 pages of shock and awe! While the truce with the alien invaders crumbles, Gantz warrior Kei races to save his beloved Tae aboard the alien mothership before the goliath vessel is consumed in the rapidly spreading destruction. But beyond Tae's desire to reunite with Kei is her hope that Kei can prevent a Gantz-led genocide of the aliens! Collects Gantz volumes 34, 35, 36, and 37.… (plus d'informations)

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After a false start ten years ago reading the first dozen volumes, I've finally finished Gantz, reading all 37 volumes in the thick, 12-book omnibus format. It's quite the thrill ride, with gallons of gore, loads of shocks, and a whole hell of a lot of nudity.

Alas, once the story abandons the gaming concept of the early volumes, it goes off the rails. As Speed taught us when they got off the bus and The Hunger Games confirmed when they broke out of the arena, leaving a strong initial concept behind can be a huge mistake for an action epic.

The first half of this volume devolves into hard to follow giant robot battles with aliens, has a brief talking-head interlude with some other aliens to explain the whole plot of the series, and then goes back to the first aliens for a final battle of the champions with winner-takes-all stakes.

The creator reveals in the afterword that the whole series -- and especially the ending -- is a tribute to some anime I never heard of called Invincible Super Man Zambot 3. To me it just felt like an exercise in Mary Sue storytelling with a naturally-talented protagonist who keeps leveling up in time to face ever-increasing threats. It's all fun until you get to the end, and then it all feels rather pointless.

It's still a pretty fun ride until the fizzle though. ( )
  villemezbrown | May 25, 2024 |
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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Oku, HiroyaAuteurauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Johnson, MatthewTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Warner, ChrisDirecteur de publicationauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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Gantz (Backloaded 3-in-1 Omnibus 12 (34-37))
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Kei! Oh my Kei! Waaaaaaaah!

   I missed you so much . . . Tae.
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Omnibus collecting Gantz volumes 34-36.

Contents: Volume 34, Chapters 352-359 -- Volume 35, Chapters 360-367 -- Volume 36, Chapters 368-375 -- Volume 37, Chapters 376-383 -- An Interview with Hiroya Oku
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Hiroya Oku's Gantz reaches its apocalyptic conclusion! A stunning adult epic of mind-blowing science fiction, gut-wrenching body horror, and eye-popping eroticism, Gantz has sold over 15 million copies in Japan and inspired three feature films and an anime TV series. This value-priced collection features 856 pages of shock and awe! While the truce with the alien invaders crumbles, Gantz warrior Kei races to save his beloved Tae aboard the alien mothership before the goliath vessel is consumed in the rapidly spreading destruction. But beyond Tae's desire to reunite with Kei is her hope that Kei can prevent a Gantz-led genocide of the aliens! Collects Gantz volumes 34, 35, 36, and 37.

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