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The Middle East : a selection of written works on iconic towers and global place-making

par Antony Wood

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In the last couple of decades, the Middle East has seen unprecedented urban growth that has transformed little-known trade cities into internationally recognized global destinations. Although the discovery of oil initially fueled growth in the region, contemporary development has focused on transitioning Middle Eastern markets away from reliance on fossil fuels. To that end, skyscraper construction has played a crucial role in broadening the economic limits of the region by creating iconic landmarks that attract wealthy international tourists and investors. From Dubai to Tel Aviv, a new Middle Eastern developmental methodology has emerged with emphasis placed on the role that iconic skyscrapers can play in defining urban identites. This publication covers the evolution of tall buildings in the Middle East and examines the impact - both positive and negative - new developments have had in the region. Have tall buildings been successful in implementing the tenants of vertical urbanism? How can new developments improve upon the mistakes of previous works? A variety of architects, developers, and planners tackle these questions, drawing inspiration from their own work in the region. Skyscrapers play an increasingly important role in creating identity within Middle Eastern cities, and the tallest buildings in the world can be found in the region. Currently under construction, Kingdom Tower in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, will be the world's tallest building when completed. At over a kilometer in height, this monumental structure will not only raise the profile of Jeddah and anchor investment and growth, but also undoubtedly come to represent the city on a global stage. Through a thorough analysis of the Kingdom Tower and other notable Middle Eastern developments, a clear picture of regional developmental patterns emerges.… (plus d'informations)
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EPA Library SWS - Shelved at : 981 : Tall Buildings
  epabooks | Jan 4, 2023 |
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In the last couple of decades, the Middle East has seen unprecedented urban growth that has transformed little-known trade cities into internationally recognized global destinations. Although the discovery of oil initially fueled growth in the region, contemporary development has focused on transitioning Middle Eastern markets away from reliance on fossil fuels. To that end, skyscraper construction has played a crucial role in broadening the economic limits of the region by creating iconic landmarks that attract wealthy international tourists and investors. From Dubai to Tel Aviv, a new Middle Eastern developmental methodology has emerged with emphasis placed on the role that iconic skyscrapers can play in defining urban identites. This publication covers the evolution of tall buildings in the Middle East and examines the impact - both positive and negative - new developments have had in the region. Have tall buildings been successful in implementing the tenants of vertical urbanism? How can new developments improve upon the mistakes of previous works? A variety of architects, developers, and planners tackle these questions, drawing inspiration from their own work in the region. Skyscrapers play an increasingly important role in creating identity within Middle Eastern cities, and the tallest buildings in the world can be found in the region. Currently under construction, Kingdom Tower in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, will be the world's tallest building when completed. At over a kilometer in height, this monumental structure will not only raise the profile of Jeddah and anchor investment and growth, but also undoubtedly come to represent the city on a global stage. Through a thorough analysis of the Kingdom Tower and other notable Middle Eastern developments, a clear picture of regional developmental patterns emerges.

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