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Birchers: How the John Birch Society Radicalized the American Right

par Matthew Dallek

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"Founded in 1958 by a small band of anti-New Deal businessmen, the John Birch Society held that a vast communist conspiracy existed within America and posed an existential threat to the country. Birchers railed against the federal government, defended segregation, and accused liberal elites of conspiring to destroy the country's core values--Christianity, capitalism, and individual freedom. Shunned by the political establishment and mainstream media, the organization invented new methods for reaching mass audiences and spread their paranoid anti-government ideology nationwide. Although seen as a fringe movement throughout the 1960s and considered all but dead by the mid-1970s, the John Birch Society in fact birthed an alliance uniting super-rich business titans with grassroots activists that lasts to this day. In Birchers, historian Matthew Dallek uncovers how the Birchers, once the far-right fringe of American politics, forged a conspiratorial, media-savvy style of conservatism that would ultimately take over the Republican Party. Drawing on thousands of archival documents, Dallek traces how an elite coterie of white businessmen kickstarted a national grassroots movement of devout, upwardly mobile defenders of the status quo, who feared the expansion of the welfare state, the advance of communism overseas, and growing calls for racial and gender equality. Ultraconservative propaganda produced by these elites, Dallek shows, radicalized white homeowners, housewives, and middle-class professionals and inspired them to relentlessly push a handful of fringe causes through direct action techniques, such as phone banking, letter writing, and public protest. Liberal critics dismissed the organization as unserious and assumed the far right was destined for failure, but they underestimated the society's depth of support. Most Birchers were in fact affluent, educated, skilled political operatives for whom the movement had touched a chord. Recognizing the strength of these voters, the Republican Party accommodated their extremism, wooed them for money and votes, and gave them a political home long after the John Birch Society had ceased to exist. When the Republican establishment lost credibility following the '08 financial crisis, however, party leaders lost their control over this powerful fringe tradition. Drawing on Birchers' anti-establishment precedent, far-right politicians like Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, and Marjorie Taylor Green were able to thrive and ultimately dominate the GOP electoral coalition in the 2010s. Deeply researched and full of insight, Birchers is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the growth of right-wing extremism in the United States"--… (plus d'informations)

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Birchers by Matthew Dallak highlights the influence the extreme right has always had on the so-called mainstream right, in this case focusing on the John Birch Society.

This well researched work connects many of the dots that together make up the shift from a general right-wing way of thinking to an extremist sort of radical right which has now taken over the right in general and the Republican party in particular.

This is one of several books I've read over the past couple of years that trace the influence of fringe ideas on the trending of right wing thought toward exclusionary and hateful. The only subtle differences in these assessments seems to be how much resistance the writer wants to attribute the "traditional" or establishment conservatives. In other words, did the gradual shift occur grudgingly because the establishment needed some of the extremist vote, or did the establishment gradually work the ideas into their body of thought because to accept all of the rhetoric at once would alienate too many of their centrist voters? I lean toward the latter, but it is impossible to know with certainty what anyone, especially politicians, actually believe versus what they accept as part of compromise. But they seem to have consistently accepted these "compromises" with gusto, weaponizing them almost immediately upon inclusion.

This book, by using the Birchers as the focal point, offers a wonderful narrative to the more recent shifts in the political discourse from the right. While the reader will learn a lot, what will also be interesting is seeing things you knew about from a different perspective and within a very specific narrative. Very few of the events that might have seemed like isolated and unusual occurrences are really so isolated.

This is such a good read that even those who don't usually read political nonfiction will enjoy it. Granted, if you think all people are valuable and not just the ones who look or worship like you, you will like the book better. Those with misplaced and unjustified feelings of superiority and exceptionalism won't enjoy it so much, these people hate looking in the mirror, at least a mirror without a lot of distortion.

Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via NetGalley. ( )
  pomo58 | Feb 7, 2023 |
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To Robert Dallek
a great historian - but an even better dad
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In 1962, a secretive, far-right group called the John Birch Society was scheming to stop the California Republican Party's preferred candidate in a bitter electoral contest - one of many such campaigns it was waging in local and state elections. Just four years old at the time, the Birch Society was already the country's most notorious far-right movement, and it had become known for its brutal tactics and extremist ideas concerning hidden communist conspiracies within the United States. -Introduction, Fringe to Center
In late October 1958, Robert Welch, a wealthy retired candy manufacturer from Belmont, Massachusetts, invited seventeen friends to a "completely 'off the record'" meeting in Indianapolis that would start at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, December 8, and end at 6:00 p.m. the next day. He wished to discuss a topic so sensitive that he refused to set it to paper. -Chapter 1, "God's Angry Men"
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"Founded in 1958 by a small band of anti-New Deal businessmen, the John Birch Society held that a vast communist conspiracy existed within America and posed an existential threat to the country. Birchers railed against the federal government, defended segregation, and accused liberal elites of conspiring to destroy the country's core values--Christianity, capitalism, and individual freedom. Shunned by the political establishment and mainstream media, the organization invented new methods for reaching mass audiences and spread their paranoid anti-government ideology nationwide. Although seen as a fringe movement throughout the 1960s and considered all but dead by the mid-1970s, the John Birch Society in fact birthed an alliance uniting super-rich business titans with grassroots activists that lasts to this day. In Birchers, historian Matthew Dallek uncovers how the Birchers, once the far-right fringe of American politics, forged a conspiratorial, media-savvy style of conservatism that would ultimately take over the Republican Party. Drawing on thousands of archival documents, Dallek traces how an elite coterie of white businessmen kickstarted a national grassroots movement of devout, upwardly mobile defenders of the status quo, who feared the expansion of the welfare state, the advance of communism overseas, and growing calls for racial and gender equality. Ultraconservative propaganda produced by these elites, Dallek shows, radicalized white homeowners, housewives, and middle-class professionals and inspired them to relentlessly push a handful of fringe causes through direct action techniques, such as phone banking, letter writing, and public protest. Liberal critics dismissed the organization as unserious and assumed the far right was destined for failure, but they underestimated the society's depth of support. Most Birchers were in fact affluent, educated, skilled political operatives for whom the movement had touched a chord. Recognizing the strength of these voters, the Republican Party accommodated their extremism, wooed them for money and votes, and gave them a political home long after the John Birch Society had ceased to exist. When the Republican establishment lost credibility following the '08 financial crisis, however, party leaders lost their control over this powerful fringe tradition. Drawing on Birchers' anti-establishment precedent, far-right politicians like Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, and Marjorie Taylor Green were able to thrive and ultimately dominate the GOP electoral coalition in the 2010s. Deeply researched and full of insight, Birchers is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the growth of right-wing extremism in the United States"--

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