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Blowback: A Warning to Save Democracy from the Next Trump

par Miles Taylor

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504522,401 (4.06)2
"Donald Trump will be president again, whether he is on the ballot or not. That is because Trumpism is overtaking the Republican Party and will mount a vigorous comeback, potentially in the hands of a savvier successor--The Next Trump. This prophecy will come true, according to Miles Taylor, if we do not learn the lessons of the recent past. With the 2024 election approaching, the formerly "Anonymous" official is back with bombshell revelations and a sobering national forecast. Through interviews with dozens of ex-Trump aides and government leaders, Taylor predicts what could happen inside "Trump 2.0," the White House of a more competent and more formidable copycat. What sounds like a political thriller -- from shadowy presidential powers and CIA betrayals to angry henchmen and assassination plots -- is instead America's political reality, as Taylor uses never-before-told stories to shed light on the ex-president's unfulfilled plans, the dark forces haunting our civic lives, and to show how we can thwart the rise of extremism in the United States. Blowback is also a surprisingly emotional and self-critical portrait of a dissenter, one whose own unmasking provides a vivid warning about what happens when we hide the truth from others and, most important, from ourselves."-- Page 4 of cover.… (plus d'informations)

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Excellent and riveting memoir of Miles Taylor's time working in the Trump administration for DHS and the absolute craziness and downright evil that pervaded the White House while he was there. Thank God he revealed he was Anonymous who wrote A Warning before the 2020 election and worked to prevent Trump's re-election. ( )
  jsfecmd | May 24, 2024 |
Miles Taylor, a lifelong Republican, served as chief of staff at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security during the Trump Administration. During his years in the capital, he witnessed many of the illegal and immoral actions Trump took to install travel bans, close the U.S. borders, downplay the pandemic, and interfere in Congressional investigations. Miles and most of his co-workers were horrified and disgusted by what they saw and heard in the White House when America decided to vote a corrupt businessman with no political experience or moral compass into the Oval Office. In 2019, Mr. Taylor became a whistleblower by releasing his first book “A Warning” anonymously, hoping to alert the public about the truth behind the exceptionally chaotic occurrences taking place every day while the president ripped through foreign and domestic policy norms and endangered our country and the balance of democracy in the world. As the 2020 election loomed, Miles decided to reveal himself as the author of “A Warning” and renew his efforts to reveal the truth to the American public, hoping to prevent another Trupp victory. Few others joined him in coming forward. His decision to stand against the Commander and Chief of the United States of America was not easy and eventually cost him his job, peace of mind, and reputation. I, for one, commend his courage and resolution to speak out. The book is well-written, and the warnings are clear to anyone listening. Another presidency—whether it’s Trump or another authoritarian-seeking candidate—will erode our Democracy and take our country to a dangerous place. I recommend that everyone read this book and others like it—i.e., Oath and Honor—to educate themselves before voting in future elections. ( )
  PaulaGalvan | May 1, 2024 |
I listened to the thirteen-hour audiobook version read by the author, Miles Taylor. Miles Taylor was the author of the New York Times Op-Ed written by Anonymous. His book is a warning about what the future holds if Donald Trump or someone worse is elected to the Presidency in 2024. ( )
  MrDickie | Sep 22, 2023 |
Previously anonymous author now concludes that citizens NOT being anonymous bystanders, NOT self-censoring is key to not ending up with a "Next Trump" (does not mention DeSantis or any names, though uses MAGA a lot), and describes more of his journey through DHS and Trump experience to get to that position. Though his suggested protective "guardrails" are humanistic, the one sign of hope in this biographical "warning" is in the epilogue where he hints at moving to a spiritual solution, if not for leadership, at least for himself, and that, of course, is the answer. Book's just ok, for people who follow authoritarian tendencies, aggressive populism or Donald Trump. Not meaty enough for me, but am glad to have read it because I rejoice to see people being drawn to God, even if it was just one sentence, a good one at the end. ( )
  ptimes | Jul 19, 2023 |
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"Donald Trump will be president again, whether he is on the ballot or not. That is because Trumpism is overtaking the Republican Party and will mount a vigorous comeback, potentially in the hands of a savvier successor--The Next Trump. This prophecy will come true, according to Miles Taylor, if we do not learn the lessons of the recent past. With the 2024 election approaching, the formerly "Anonymous" official is back with bombshell revelations and a sobering national forecast. Through interviews with dozens of ex-Trump aides and government leaders, Taylor predicts what could happen inside "Trump 2.0," the White House of a more competent and more formidable copycat. What sounds like a political thriller -- from shadowy presidential powers and CIA betrayals to angry henchmen and assassination plots -- is instead America's political reality, as Taylor uses never-before-told stories to shed light on the ex-president's unfulfilled plans, the dark forces haunting our civic lives, and to show how we can thwart the rise of extremism in the United States. Blowback is also a surprisingly emotional and self-critical portrait of a dissenter, one whose own unmasking provides a vivid warning about what happens when we hide the truth from others and, most important, from ourselves."-- Page 4 of cover.

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