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My Darling Mr. Darling

par Aydra Richards

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I dont think violet should forgive john...what he done just awful,and violet just suddenly ok with it and fall in love for him when john said some I been watching you,these years crap?seriously girl MAN JUST TAlK and you buy it.
PS:WHAT THE HELL with those comment which judged violet for she done while she was struggle to surive?what she done and who she with is HER freedom and the fact that she was still married to john doesn't change it,because he is the one who sent her to a terrible place and make her suffer for three month and the next eight years,so I think it's totally reasonable for violet not to trust him and hate him.And those who accused violet I think you people were just misogyny.
( )
  clara22 | Apr 26, 2024 |
Violet has been on the run for ten years from her husband. They were forced into marriage, and he promptly sent her off to finishing school (she was seventeen). Since then, John Darling has realized his mistake and finally caught up with his errant wife.
I actually read this out of order, reading the second book after the first. I would recommend reading them in order as events from previous books make more sense then. This was not my favorite of the series, but it's still a good read as the two must reconcile their differences and get to know each other. I'd say 3 1/2 stars. ( )
  N.W.Moors | Jan 19, 2023 |
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