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Dark All Day (The Walking Shadows)

par Brenden Carlson

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In an alternate 1933, a sleuth and his robot partner are caught in the middle of a legal battle that will decide the fate of the world's machine population. Carlson does a good job populating his gritty, split-level world with dodgy mobsters, deadly dames, and killer machines. -- Publishers Weekly, for Night Call Two months after an investigation that nearly put Elias Roche behind bars, the former cop turned mob enforcer has endeavoured to separate himself from his past by going straight. Now working as a private investigator, his attempts to build himself a quiet life have so far been promising. However, while Manhattan's Lower City is in the midst of a reignited mob war, Elias is faced with finding a man who doesn't want to be found, absolving a machine of a murder charge, and discovering a network of secrets that keeps the world turning, almost literally. Reuniting with his old Automatic partner, Allen, and reporter-turned-hitman Simone, Elias must search for the truth amid a web of conspiracy and lies. While failure would result in the eradication of all Automatics in America and cripple the megacorporation that hired him to investigate, success could uncover truths no one is ready to face: truths about the city, Allen's past, and which side they are all truly fighting for.… (plus d'informations)

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This mashup of science fiction, alternate history and mystery wasn't a good place to start this series. There were a number of viewpoint characters including and automatic named Allen, a war veteran turned cop, turned mob enforcer, turned private investigator named Roche, and a woman named Simone who called herself Midnight and was maybe an assassin or maybe an investigator.

Chapters were told from one or the other of these viewpoints which only served to confuse the story for me. I'm not sure what was really going on. There was a missing scientist and there was war between the various mobs. And all of the characters seemed to have divided loyalties.

I liked the noir setting and was curious to know more about the world that was created. My problems came with trying to follow the mystery elements of the story.

Fans of alternate history, mystery and science fiction might want to begin with book one of the trilogy. ( )
  kmartin802 | Jan 21, 2023 |
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In an alternate 1933, a sleuth and his robot partner are caught in the middle of a legal battle that will decide the fate of the world's machine population. Carlson does a good job populating his gritty, split-level world with dodgy mobsters, deadly dames, and killer machines. -- Publishers Weekly, for Night Call Two months after an investigation that nearly put Elias Roche behind bars, the former cop turned mob enforcer has endeavoured to separate himself from his past by going straight. Now working as a private investigator, his attempts to build himself a quiet life have so far been promising. However, while Manhattan's Lower City is in the midst of a reignited mob war, Elias is faced with finding a man who doesn't want to be found, absolving a machine of a murder charge, and discovering a network of secrets that keeps the world turning, almost literally. Reuniting with his old Automatic partner, Allen, and reporter-turned-hitman Simone, Elias must search for the truth amid a web of conspiracy and lies. While failure would result in the eradication of all Automatics in America and cripple the megacorporation that hired him to investigate, success could uncover truths no one is ready to face: truths about the city, Allen's past, and which side they are all truly fighting for.

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