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Star Wars: The High Republic: The Monster of Temple Peak

par Cavan Scott

Séries: Star Wars: The High Republic (Comics, Phase I, wave 2)

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After dealing with an escaped Drewen being transported to the Republic Fair, Ty heads to Loreth, where local pioneers have tasked her with taking on the fearsome Gretalax that terrorizes them. She takes the mission but can't shake the feeling that something is amiss with The Force.

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I actually read the entire thing, but because there isn't a collected edition in the works since IDW is losing their Star Wars license to Dark Horse, I'm just using the first issue as a place holder for my review for the time being (it's almost funny, that this was originally supposed to be an original graphic novel that was then split into a 4 issue limited series, now possibly not to be recollected into it's original, intended format). This was an OK story, like most of the IDW offerings. They've all just been OK.

This volume centers on Ty Yorrick, a former Padawan now mercenary and monster hunter for hire. She's been one of the characters that I've found most interesting, as I'm always intrigued by the characters who are disillusioned with the Jedi and the Force. I'm glad that we were able to get a little more of her backstory here (we get to see some of her time as a Padawan, and a definitive event in what made her leave the order), and I'm hoping that we'll be able to see more of her in the future. The rest of the story here is fairly straight forward - Yorrick is hired to hunt down a mysterious monster that is terrorizing a settlement, but of course, nothing is as it seems, and the Monster of Temple Peak may not be who they think it is. I thoroughly enjoyed Rachael Stott's art in the series; I'd definitely like to see more of her work on Star Wars series in the future.

Unless you are a completist like me with Star Wars, you won't be missing anything from the main, overall story arc of the High Republic, but this was still a fun little side adventure. ( )
  tapestry100 | Oct 31, 2023 |
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Star Wars: The High Republic (Comics, Phase I, wave 2)
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After dealing with an escaped Drewen being transported to the Republic Fair, Ty heads to Loreth, where local pioneers have tasked her with taking on the fearsome Gretalax that terrorizes them. She takes the mission but can't shake the feeling that something is amiss with The Force.

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