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House of Beating Wings

par Olivia Wildenstein

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2373117,653 (4.18)Aucun
LIBÈRE LES CORBEAUX, FALLON, ET ILS TE FERONT REINE.Avant qu'un oracle ne me prédise un avenir royal, je n'aurais jamais imaginé m'élever un jour plus haut que la pointe de mes oreilles. Après tout, je n'étais qu'une semi-humaine adorée par les animaux, mais détestée par tous les faës au sang pur de la cour. Enfin... par tous, sauf un.Dante Regio, prince de Luce, a ravi mon coeur le jour où il m'a donné mon tout premier baiser. Alors, si je dois rassembler un tas de vieilles reliques pour renverser le souverain actuel et couronner son frère afin qu'il gouverne à mes côtés, je veux bien me lancer dans une chasse au trésor. Si seulement l'oracle m'avait prévenue que j'allais libérer un démon ailé dans le monde.Et que je deviendrais l'obsession de ce démon.Les fans de Sarah J. Maas et de Mary E. Pearson ne feront qu'une bouchée de cette épopée entre romance et fantasy pleine de duperie, de trahison et d'amours trompeuses capables d'anéantir les âmes. … (plus d'informations)

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3 sur 3
Very slow to start, FMC doesn’t even start on her quest until over 200 pages in.
Multiple love interests.
Crow cuties & serpent sweeties.
FMC is a little unlearned & impulsive - hopefully she wisens up.
Found family abounds.
Lore is bae.
Interesting world - still not fully informed of the magic system and FMCs powers. ( )
  spiritedstardust | Jun 1, 2024 |
Subsequent addition:

I was incredibly lucky to be able to experience this by both written word and by audio-player in exchange for an honest review, BUT I would've happily paid whatever the price it is that good!! If you read my original thoughts on the ebook, you'll see a really looong winded fangirling rant about how amazing House of Beating Wings was. Now, after having enjoyed this book both visually and auditorially, I can honestly say (with the authority one can only acquire through experience) that Olivia's orators helped sculpt this gem into a more refined, auditorially assuaging masterpiece. Please don't mistake that sentence for me denouncing the ebook... on the contrary, the ebook was excellent BUT hearing the story in the tone, timbre, and cadence that the author herself deemed most in line with her vision helped me to connect with the story on a more intimate level. I loved being able to close my eyes and let the book's true essence speak to me! Both our FMC, Fallon, and our MMC Lore's voices not only proved to be dulcet but they were undeniably resonant to boot. I am giddy that not only did this book hold up to its written counterpart... it exceeded all of my expectations!! I found myself loving it anew and I am extremely eager to experience what the rest of this series (auditorially) has to offer.

You can't go wrong going out and getting this in book format or audiobook... just do yourself a favor and get it!!

*** I received a copy of this audiobook for free from the author... the divine Mrs Olivia Wildenstein, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. ***

O. M. G!! I just got trounced by Olivia Wildenstein's brain baby and loved every second of it!! I finally got around to reading House Of Beating Wings even though I got this eARC back in June. My delay mainly being due to a torn retina which sucked (of course) BUT I did happen to cultivate a more nuanced appreciation for audiobooks which is a resounding plus. BUT I'm thrilled that I'm finally able to get back to reading... what was at the top of my TBR?? Why, it was this here book... it battered my fragile heart and left me reeling, screaming (internally, it is 3:45 a.m. here) O.M.freaking G!!

I am by no means new to Olivia Wildenstein's work, but each time I come back to her, after any sort of hiatus, I fall back in love with her simple yet evocative style. I remember why I joined her reader's group all over again. With my ocular woes abated, I also got to wait long enough that the next installment of this series came out... back to back, hours upon hours of Fae/Shifter/witch/ enjoyment made this girl very happy! This was clutch when, in the weeist hours of the night/morning, I greedily, ravenously devoured HoBW, I was then able to segue into HoPH right away... which I did. I, like most of you have no doubt chosen once or a hundred times to disregard tomorrow for an addictive read of the moment, AND I regret nothing!! The more I read the more I felt, STRONGLY, and the more I hated you know which D-bag and crew, and the more I fell in love with the rest of this dynamic cast of full-bodied characters spearheaded by our burgeoning spitfire FMC Fallon. I loved her! I loved how she grew and her coming-of-age storyline, which is (of course) not finished progressing. I love the relationships she has... maybe excluding one fickle, sexually inattentive, Alpha-hole, BUT the rest of her relationships are ship worthy and enviable! I am ecstatic to witness the rest of her character growth.

Not only were the characters dimensional and rich and relatable... the backdrop was incredibly detailed and honestly... I wish it was I that was being chased through this picturesque/unique landscape/world... even the sketchy parts were robust and easily imagined in 8k- Mindscape.

The writing was gripping and easily transported me directly into the thick of the action. I felt like I was right there among these amazing characters, experiencing the adventure firsthand, feeling the betrayal like it was my own... even though I saw that scazza from a mile away, the betrayal still stung... YET, it made room for a new paramour to come on the scene and swoon over... someone FAR more intriguing and worthy... and swoon I did!!

Ok, ok, I'll stop gushing, but let me state, for the record, that this book had me from the start and didn't let go... not even after reading the Epilogue. In fact, by the very last page, I was hooked even deeper, body, mind, and soul!! I, just this moment finished this book, and I stopped here to quickly jot down my 2 cents AND now that I have, I'm off to the next book, House of Pounding Hearts... I'm sure there's more to say... much more, but I'm fiending for the next book so I'm dropping off my thoughts right here.

I highly recommend that if you have a few hours to devote (and a heart needing to run its paces), pick up this sexytime-lite series.

*** I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. *** ( )
  BethYacoub | Jul 25, 2023 |
O. M. G!! I just got trounced by Olivia Wildenstein's brain baby and loved every second of it!! I finally got around to reading House Of Beating Wings even though I got this eARC back in June. My delay mainly being due to a torn retina which sucked (of course) BUT I did happen to cultivate a more nuanced appreciation for audiobooks which is a resounding plus. BUT I'm thrilled that I'm finally able to get back to reading... what was at the top of my TBR?? Why, it was this here book... it battered my fragile heart and left me reeling, screaming (internally, it is 3:45 a.m. here) O.M.freaking G!!

I am by no means new to Olivia Wildenstein's work, but each time I come back to her, after any sort of hiatus, I fall back in love with her simple yet evocative style. I remember why I joined her reader's group all over again. With my ocular woes abated, I also got to wait long enough that the next installment of this series came out... back to back, hours upon hours of Fae/Shifter/witch/ enjoyment made this girl very happy! This was clutch when, in the weeist hours of the night/morning, I greedily, ravenously devoured HoBW, I was then able to segue into HoPH right away... which I did. I, like most of you have no doubt chosen once or a hundred times to disregard tomorrow for an addictive read of the moment, AND I regret nothing!! The more I read the more I felt, STRONGLY, and the more I hated you know which D-bag and crew, and the more I fell in love with the rest of this dynamic cast of full-bodied characters spearheaded by our burgeoning spitfire FMC Fallon. I loved her! I loved how she grew and her coming-of-age storyline, which is (of course) not finished progressing. I love the relationships she has... maybe excluding one fickle, sexually inattentive, Alpha-hole, BUT the rest of her relationships are ship worthy and enviable! I am ecstatic to witness the rest of her character growth.

Not only were the characters dimensional and rich and relatable... the backdrop was incredibly detailed and honestly... I wish it was I that was being chased through this picturesque/unique landscape/world... even the sketchy parts were robust and easily imagined in 8k- Mindscape.

The writing was gripping and easily transported me directly into the thick of the action. I felt like I was right there among these amazing characters, experiencing the adventure firsthand, feeling the betrayal like it was my own... even though I saw that scazza from a mile away, the betrayal still stung... YET, it made room for a new paramour to come on the scene and swoon over... someone FAR more intriguing and worthy... and swoon I did!!

Ok, ok, I'll stop gushing, but let me state, for the record, that this book had me from the start and didn't let go... not even after reading the Epilogue. In fact, by the very last page, I was hooked even deeper, body, mind, and soul!! I, just this moment finished this book, and I stopped here to quickly jot down my 2 cents AND now that I have, I'm off to the next book, House of Pounding Hearts... I'm sure there's more to say... much more, but I'm fiending for the next book so I'm dropping off my thoughts right here.

I highly recommend that if you have a few hours to devote (and a heart needing to run its paces), pick up this sexytime-lite series.

*** I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. *** ( )
  BethYacoub | Jan 22, 2023 |
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LIBÈRE LES CORBEAUX, FALLON, ET ILS TE FERONT REINE.Avant qu'un oracle ne me prédise un avenir royal, je n'aurais jamais imaginé m'élever un jour plus haut que la pointe de mes oreilles. Après tout, je n'étais qu'une semi-humaine adorée par les animaux, mais détestée par tous les faës au sang pur de la cour. Enfin... par tous, sauf un.Dante Regio, prince de Luce, a ravi mon coeur le jour où il m'a donné mon tout premier baiser. Alors, si je dois rassembler un tas de vieilles reliques pour renverser le souverain actuel et couronner son frère afin qu'il gouverne à mes côtés, je veux bien me lancer dans une chasse au trésor. Si seulement l'oracle m'avait prévenue que j'allais libérer un démon ailé dans le monde.Et que je deviendrais l'obsession de ce démon.Les fans de Sarah J. Maas et de Mary E. Pearson ne feront qu'une bouchée de cette épopée entre romance et fantasy pleine de duperie, de trahison et d'amours trompeuses capables d'anéantir les âmes.

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