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Gone Tonight (2023)

par Sarah Pekkanen

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27024102,207 (4.06)1
"Catherine Sterling thinks she knows her mother. Ruth Sterling is quiet, hardworking, and lives for her daughter. All her life, it's been just the two of them against the world. But now, Catherine is ready to spread her wings, move from home, and begin a new career. And Ruth Sterling will do anything to prevent that from happening. Ruth Sterling thinks she knows her daughter. Catherine would never rebel, would never question anything about her mother's past or background. But when Ruth's desperate quest to keep her daughter by her side begins to reveal cracks in Ruth's carefully-constructed world, both mother and daughter begin a dance of deception. No one can know Ruth's history. There is a reason why Ruth kept them moving every few years, and why she was ready--in a moment's notice--to be gone in the night. But danger is closing in. Is it coming from the outside, from Ruth's past? Is Ruth reaching a breaking point? Or is the danger coming from the darkness that may live in Catherine, herself? Propulsive, brilliant, layered, and provocative, GONE TONIGHT is a thriller that showcases Sarah Pekkanen at the top of her game"--… (plus d'informations)

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Affichage de 1-5 de 24 (suivant | tout afficher)
The undercurrents in this story of Ruth (mother) and Catherine (her daughter) make you realize early on that these characters are hiding secrets. By the end of the tale, you also realize that they're psychopaths. I expect a sequel where Catherine, a geriatric nurse, is euthanizing her elderly patients. Just sayin'. ( )
  flourgirl49 | Aug 17, 2024 |
Suspenseful domestic drama and psychological thriller.

What would a loving mother do to protect her daughter? Ruth is living those things every day after becoming pregnant at 16 and leaving her family and home to fend for herself. Ruth has always done whatever it took to keep them safe. Catherine is now 24, has gotten her nursing degree, and is about to embark on her own life which begins with her moving away. Ruth can't bear it. Catherine doesn't understand it. But why is Ruth so desperate to keep Catherine close?

Secrets and lies have built the relationship between Ruth and her daughter. Now things start to fall apart as Catherine no longer believes her mother and suspects that her whole life might be a careful construction. They become wary of one another as the layers of deceit are revealed.

This was an engaging and compelling drama with some twists and shocks as the mother and daughter start to learn more about each other. Lots of emotional buttons in the narrative that flips back and forth between Ruth and Catherine as each tells her perspective. I found that both characters had qualities that I could relate to and actions that I could understand at times. Not that their behaviors or choices would be those I might make, but they were believable in context. I liked the writing style and the narrator in the audio did a good job though I'm not sure the voices were different enough that I would have known who was speaking had I not also been following along in the e-book.

I like mother-daughter stories for the most part and this did not disappoint. Thank you to the publishers for the e-book ARC to read and review. I obtained the audio format from my library. ( )
  CelticLibrarian | Apr 6, 2024 |
Good book about murder, mother and daughter, running and hiding. Worth the read. ( )
  shazjhb | Feb 16, 2024 |
QUITE a surprising book that seemed to start rather calmly and then....took right straight off!!! A very clever back and forth in the chapters between the mother and daughter each showing their view of their relationship changing. Hard to put this book down and reach......a series of twists in the end!!! ( )
  nyiper | Feb 16, 2024 |
My new favorite book by this author! Great narrator and an interesting premise with plenty of twists to keep you guessing if either Ruth (the mom) or Catherine (the daughter) is telling the truth and what secrets they're hiding.
I held my breath at times while listening to this, waiting for what surprise would come next. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an audiobook of this great suspense thriller! ( )
  JillHannah | Nov 20, 2023 |
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"Catherine Sterling thinks she knows her mother. Ruth Sterling is quiet, hardworking, and lives for her daughter. All her life, it's been just the two of them against the world. But now, Catherine is ready to spread her wings, move from home, and begin a new career. And Ruth Sterling will do anything to prevent that from happening. Ruth Sterling thinks she knows her daughter. Catherine would never rebel, would never question anything about her mother's past or background. But when Ruth's desperate quest to keep her daughter by her side begins to reveal cracks in Ruth's carefully-constructed world, both mother and daughter begin a dance of deception. No one can know Ruth's history. There is a reason why Ruth kept them moving every few years, and why she was ready--in a moment's notice--to be gone in the night. But danger is closing in. Is it coming from the outside, from Ruth's past? Is Ruth reaching a breaking point? Or is the danger coming from the darkness that may live in Catherine, herself? Propulsive, brilliant, layered, and provocative, GONE TONIGHT is a thriller that showcases Sarah Pekkanen at the top of her game"--

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