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Unbroken Bonds

par J. Bree

Séries: The Bonds That Tie (6)

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The gods live among us. I thought that the death of the man who tortured me, broke me, and then hunted me to the ends of the Earth would be the end of our fight; but it's only the beginning. After thousands of years of being apart, our god bonds are reunited once again; and they're not ready to go down without a fight. They've woken up hungry. All of the research in the world couldn't have prepared us for what's to come, enemies and wars fought over millennia. Now we're being forced to act, but this time, we have the advantage. This time, we're Bonded. Are we strong enough to survive the gods and their plans? Will we ever live in the peaceful world we've fought so hard for, or is history doomed to repeat itself?… (plus d'informations)

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This series was really reminiscent of Tate James' Kit Davenport series. While entertaining the world building was thin - I still don't know how the Gifted and non-Gifted interact or why the Resistance was allowed to get as powerful prior to Oleander's birth. The gods coming to life was also just accepted without a lot of blowback or consequences. ( )
  Bodagirl | Apr 20, 2023 |
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The gods live among us. I thought that the death of the man who tortured me, broke me, and then hunted me to the ends of the Earth would be the end of our fight; but it's only the beginning. After thousands of years of being apart, our god bonds are reunited once again; and they're not ready to go down without a fight. They've woken up hungry. All of the research in the world couldn't have prepared us for what's to come, enemies and wars fought over millennia. Now we're being forced to act, but this time, we have the advantage. This time, we're Bonded. Are we strong enough to survive the gods and their plans? Will we ever live in the peaceful world we've fought so hard for, or is history doomed to repeat itself?

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Moyenne: (4.33)
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4.5 2
5 10

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