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Light in Gaza: Writings Born of Fire

par Jehad Abusalim

Autres auteurs: Refaat Alareer (Contributeur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1031273,042 (4.5)7
"Gaza, home to two million people, continues to face suffocating conditions imposed by Israel. This distinctive anthology imagines what the future of Gaza could be, while reaffirming the critical role of Gaza in Palestinian identity, history, and struggle for liberation. Light in Gaza is a seminal, moving and wide-ranging anthology of Palestinian writers and artists. It constitutes a collective effort to organize and center Palestinian voices in the ongoing struggle. As political discourse shifts toward futurism as a means of reimagining a better way of living, beyond the violence and limitations of colonialism, Light in Gaza is an urgent and powerful intervention into an important political moment." --… (plus d'informations)

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» Voir aussi les 7 mentions

The strength of the stories told in this book lies not only in its portrayal of suffering but also in its celebration of resilience and hope. Amidst the darkness, there are moments of light, where individuals find strength in solidarity, love, and the determination to rebuild their lives. These moments serve as powerful reminders that even in the face of adversity, the human spirit can endure.

The prose is lyrical and poetic, reflecting the beauty that coexists with the pain. The writers skillfully navigate the complexities of their subject matter, offering a nuanced and empathetic portrayal of Gaza. The anthology succeeds in humanizing a conflict that is often reduced to headlines, encouraging readers to connect with the individuals behind the statistics.

This is not just a collection of stories; it is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of literature to bridge gaps and foster understanding. It challenges readers to confront their preconceptions, urging them to see beyond the headlines and engage with the human stories that define Gaza. This anthology is a compelling and necessary read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the human experience in a region marked by conflict and hope. ( )
  nadia.masood | Dec 10, 2023 |
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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Jehad Abusalimauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Alareer, RefaatContributeurauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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"Gaza, home to two million people, continues to face suffocating conditions imposed by Israel. This distinctive anthology imagines what the future of Gaza could be, while reaffirming the critical role of Gaza in Palestinian identity, history, and struggle for liberation. Light in Gaza is a seminal, moving and wide-ranging anthology of Palestinian writers and artists. It constitutes a collective effort to organize and center Palestinian voices in the ongoing struggle. As political discourse shifts toward futurism as a means of reimagining a better way of living, beyond the violence and limitations of colonialism, Light in Gaza is an urgent and powerful intervention into an important political moment." --

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4 1
5 5

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