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Season of Skulls: A Novel in the World of…

Season of Skulls: A Novel in the World of the Laundry Files (Laundry Files, 13) (original 2023; édition 2023)

par Charles Stross (Auteur)

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1405203,483 (3.71)8
"Welcome to the sunlit uplands of the 21st century! Britain's avuncular Prime Minister is an ancient eldritch god of unimaginable power. Crime is plummeting as almost every offense is punishable by death. And everywhere you look, there are people with strange powers, some of which they can control, and some, not so much. Hyperorganized and formidable, Eve Starkey defeated her boss, the louche magical adept and billionaire Rupert de Montfort Bigge, in a supernatural duel to the death. At least, she has reason to hope he's dead. But though she's now in charge of the Bigge Corporation, she's not free of him yet. Through the fecklessness of her brother Imp, combined with the intricate feudal law of a tiny Channel Island, it would appear that unbeknownst to her, she was married to Bigge--and that proving his death and releasing herself from his arcane bindings will take years and cost millions. Then an emissary of the Prime Minister arrives with an offer that she absolutely can't...well, you know."--… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Season of Skulls: A Novel in the World of the Laundry Files (Laundry Files, 13)
Auteurs:Charles Stross (Auteur)
Info:Tordotcom (2023), 384 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Season of Skulls par Charles Stross (2023)

  1. 00
    Glasshouse par Charles Stross (paradoxosalpha)
    paradoxosalpha: The protagonist gets to experience the patriarchy of an earlier age as a woman.
  2. 00
    Jonathan Strange et Mr Norrell par Susanna Clarke (paradoxosalpha)
    paradoxosalpha: Supernatural Regency romance

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5 sur 5
Whatever else you want to call the arc represented by the first three books in Stross' "New Management" series, you might describe it as occult divorce for survival and advancement. While Eve Starkey, might have thought she had put her so-called "husband," the sorcerer Rupert de Montfort Bigge, down for the count, when the eldritch master of Great Britain wants Bigge's literal head, it's do or die time. Further, Stross continues to extend the purview of his ever-metastasizing "Laundry" universe, as if you're going to go back in time to post-1814 Britain, why not make it a regency romance? To put it simply, I had as much fun with this particular arc as anything I've read by Stross in awhile, and I'm giving this book top marks for sticking the landing. ( )
  Shrike58 | Jan 5, 2024 |
I geared myself up for a tale of skullduggery and adventure under the New Management, and well this is sort of that crossed with Jasper Fforde and Genevieve Cogman and Georgette Heyer via 7 decades of Regency romances via The Prisoner. All told with Stross's undoubted skill and horror dissipating humor. ( )
  quondame | Aug 20, 2023 |
A.k.a. "The Dream-Quest of Evelyn Michelle Starkey." This third novel of the New Management trilogy dependent from the Laundry Files series is focused fully on Eve, who had been drawn conspicuously to center stage in the previous book. I have grown to like her, but I don't know if this book is a suitable point of entry to the Tales of the New Management, in part because it picks up so late in her character arc. Her brother Imp and his team are decidedly on the fringes of this story.

For the children's literature angle developed in the previous two books (which riffed on Peter Pan and Mary Poppins respectively) this one exploits Through the Looking-Glass. The Black Pharaoh and Prime Minister of England N'yar-lat-hotep effectuates more of his aspect as the intelligence governing dreams, when Eve takes on the role of Alice.

For subject matter, we are given a foray into Regency gothic, a highly articulated historical romance sub-genre. It may thus appeal to fans of the supernatural Regency hit Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, but as contrasted with Clarke's book, Season of Skulls indulges in a great deal of pointed anachronism. Besides Eve's own 21st-century perspective, the chief oopart is the Village, from the Patrick McGoohan television series The Prisoner. In looking-glass fashion, people from Eve's world have counterparts reflected into 1816.

The whole story was strikingly similar to the author's previous novel Glasshouse, which involved a carceral theme and "time travel" via simulation. In both books, the protagonist gets to experience the patriarchy of an earlier age as a woman. In Glasshouse she is previously male. In Season of Skulls she is previously a frigid girlboss.

I could tell that Stross did a lot of historical research to tell a story that he passes off with his usual glibness. This book may have spent the longest time in composition of any of the Laundryverse tales. I did enjoy it, and I wonder what has happened since 2017 in that world.
4 voter paradoxosalpha | Aug 2, 2023 |
I still miss the Laundry, but the stars came right, and under the New Management there are other key characters. Here we focus on Eve, who ended the last book involuntarily married to her boss and under an obedience geas to him; unfortunately, he wasn’t quite dead yet, and the Black Pharaoh has assigned her to bring him Rupert’s head. Off into the dream roads she goes, which leads to many situations that reminded me of Genevieve Cogman’s Library series in terms of narrative energy. Given the link between computer programming and sorcery, I particularly liked the phrase “problem exists between spell book and sandals.” ( )
1 voter rivkat | Jul 17, 2023 |
The New Management books are not a patch on the original Laundry Files series. Disappointing. ( )
  SChant | Jun 13, 2023 |
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"Welcome to the sunlit uplands of the 21st century! Britain's avuncular Prime Minister is an ancient eldritch god of unimaginable power. Crime is plummeting as almost every offense is punishable by death. And everywhere you look, there are people with strange powers, some of which they can control, and some, not so much. Hyperorganized and formidable, Eve Starkey defeated her boss, the louche magical adept and billionaire Rupert de Montfort Bigge, in a supernatural duel to the death. At least, she has reason to hope he's dead. But though she's now in charge of the Bigge Corporation, she's not free of him yet. Through the fecklessness of her brother Imp, combined with the intricate feudal law of a tiny Channel Island, it would appear that unbeknownst to her, she was married to Bigge--and that proving his death and releasing herself from his arcane bindings will take years and cost millions. Then an emissary of the Prime Minister arrives with an offer that she absolutely can't...well, you know."--

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