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A Cat Cafe Christmas

par Codi Gary

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"Kara Ingalls has come to California for a fresh start. Along with her friend Charity, she opens The Meow and Furever Cat Café. With Charity in charge of the baking and Kara caring for the rescues, they've got this! Except that Kara's dream job isn't as easy as it seems when the rent comes due and the special needs cats stay too long. Enter Ben Reese. As a dog lover, he doesn't seem qualified to help, but as a marketing professional, he's just what Kara can't afford to ignore. He's bossy and pushy and nerdy...but she finds herself inviting him to their Friendsgiving anyway. Where unlikely sparks fly with this cat hater. Now Ben has implemented a plan to find homes for all the felines in twenty-five days, and he's even doing his part by fostering a tiny kitten with a huge personality. Can a dog person be converted to a cat lover and save the cat café by Christmas? And the more important question is whether Ben and Kara can set aside their differences to be together for a purr-fect holiday"--… (plus d'informations)

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5 sur 5
Veterinarian Kara Ingalls is putting her life back together after a disastrous breakup with her boyfriend that ended with him going to prison for theft. She opens a combination cafe and cat rescue center and plans to expand to include a cat clinic. She meets a marketing genius who is reeling from his own devastating breakup. And while their first encounter is not promising, (he doesn’t like cats), before very long they find they can work together. An abandoned kitten ultimately is the catalyst that brings them together. While both have trust issues and seemingly little in common, they soon realize that in the larger scheme of things, they just might be perfect for each other. It’s a lovely romantic tale, and the introductions to the chapters which feature the adoptable cats are quite humorous. Well written with likable characters placed in an entertaining story, it’s a heart-warming Christmas novel. ( )
  Maydacat | Mar 30, 2023 |
A terrific read. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Lifted my spirits. ( )
  bcrowl399 | Jan 9, 2023 |
I was sold on the title alone. Kara is looking for a fresh start so she decided to co-open a cat cafe with her best friend as she tries to hide from her past. When Ben, a fresh faced reporter new to the area, decides to promote the cat cafe as part of a new promotion their paths cross although it is not quite love at first sight. Ben has some baggage and Kara doesn't want any attention. But when a little kitten lands on Ben's doorstop Kara has no choice but to help him out and there is no denying the attention that starts to blossom between them. Can they both move past their trust issues and look towards the future? Sweet, but a little over the top at times. Romance is closed doors which is a shame. A fun, fluffy read. ( )
  ecataldi | Dec 23, 2022 |
3.75 out of 5 stars!

The heroine started a business with her best friend featuring a cat cafe and a veterinary clinic combined together. Though at the start of the book it is mostly a cat cafe due to the financial strain the business is experiencing. The hero is a marketing professional that wanted to help the heroine's business. They didn't have a good first meeting, but when the hero unexpectedly ends up with a stray kitten, they began to warm up to each other. Both have been hurt by past relationships and are reluctant to start a new relationship, but the holiday season has other ideas for them.

This is my first Codi Gary book, and I enjoyed it. I liked the cat cafe setting, especially the felines that are introduced in the book. I adored the cat doodles at the beginning of the chapters and the paragraph separations. Also, the feline profiles were entertaining, and I can definitely see them in social media. I liked the main characters, even though both characters have baggage that they must overcome during this book. I enjoyed reading the entertaining secondary characters, especially the best friends that supported the main couple. This is a well-written book, even though I still would have liked some more details in certain areas of the story. It should be noted that the vibe at the beginning of the story didn't click with me, hence why even though I enjoyed reading the book, I didn't click with it as much. However, I still enjoyed this holiday romance book and look forward to reading more Codi Gary books in the future.

**Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy. All opinions and thoughts in the review are my own.** ( )
  DilowRosas | Sep 27, 2022 |
Cozy: Snuggly, warm and comfortable. (

This book is the definition of cozy and perfect for animal lovers everywhere. Kara and her best friend Charity run a cat cafe, where people can get a coffee or pastry, spend time with the animals and even adopt one. Each chapter starts with a catchy two-line description of one of the cats, which was my favorite part. But the cafe's in financial trouble, and they're not sure if they can stay open past the holidays.

Ben thinks "women were in the same category as Double Stuf Oreos - best avoided, as they did nothing but cause problems for him" after his fiancé falls in love with his brother. Kara thinks all men have terrible motives after her ex abused her trust to steal money from her nonprofit employer. Their worlds collide after Ben's town marketing promotion sends tons of new customers to Kara's cat cafe, causing her to have a panic attack on the sidewalk.

It's dislike at first sight, but then Ben and his friend Schwartz find a tiny kitten in his ductwork. He's sure he's not a cat person, but Kara convinces him to keep it until she can find a foster. Then their friends meet, and Charity invites Ben and Schwartz to Friendsgiving. Ben convinces Schwartz to help him develop a marketing plan to save the cat cafe. As feelings grow between Ben and Kara, misunderstandings develop, and the two will have to decide if they're meant to last after all the tinsel comes down.

Ben is literally the kindest guy, and I was rooting so hard for Kara to trust him. Readers everywhere will have a new book boyfriend after this book. This romance is like a cup of hot chocolate - sweet and warms the heart.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance review copy of this book. ( )
  Asingrey | Aug 9, 2022 |
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"Kara Ingalls has come to California for a fresh start. Along with her friend Charity, she opens The Meow and Furever Cat Café. With Charity in charge of the baking and Kara caring for the rescues, they've got this! Except that Kara's dream job isn't as easy as it seems when the rent comes due and the special needs cats stay too long. Enter Ben Reese. As a dog lover, he doesn't seem qualified to help, but as a marketing professional, he's just what Kara can't afford to ignore. He's bossy and pushy and nerdy...but she finds herself inviting him to their Friendsgiving anyway. Where unlikely sparks fly with this cat hater. Now Ben has implemented a plan to find homes for all the felines in twenty-five days, and he's even doing his part by fostering a tiny kitten with a huge personality. Can a dog person be converted to a cat lover and save the cat café by Christmas? And the more important question is whether Ben and Kara can set aside their differences to be together for a purr-fect holiday"--

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Codi Gary est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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