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TheTeacher's Funeral: A Comedy in Three…

TheTeacher's Funeral: A Comedy in Three Parts (original 2004; édition 2006)

par Richard Peck (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1,6484811,139 (4.02)32
In rural Indiana in 1904, fifteen-year-old Russell's dreams of quitting school and joining a wheat threshing crew are disrupted when his older sister takes over the teaching at his one-room schoolhouse after mean old Myrt Arbuckle "hauls off and dies."
Titre:TheTeacher's Funeral: A Comedy in Three Parts
Auteurs:Richard Peck (Auteur)
Info:Scholastic (2006), 190 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

The Teacher's Funeral: A Comedy in Three Parts par Richard Peck (2004)

  1. 10
    Les Penderwick : L'été de quatre soeurs, de deux lapins et d'un garçon très intéressant par Jeanne Birdsall (bell7)
    bell7: Another funny tale about family, this one involved four sisters on a memorable summer vacation.

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» Voir aussi les 32 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 48 (suivant | tout afficher)
I don't know why I didn't finish reading this when I was eleven. Now years later I finally got around to reading it all the way through, The Teacher's Funeral is a short humorist book. Not too long that the humor wears thin.
The one room school house remains me of Little on the Prairie with a humorist tone. ( )
  KSnapdragon | Dec 23, 2020 |
Russell Culver thinks things are starting to look up when his horrid teacher, Miss Mert, drops dead. But when his 17-year-old sister, Tansy, promptly steps into the teacher's shoes to run the school (of 8 students, grades k-8) for the coming year, things have taken a turn for the worse. A variety of young men, both students and adults, try to woo Tansy, and Russell is disgusted by the whole thing. Lots of humor in this little book... and the last sentence just capped it all off perfectly for me. ( )
  fingerpost | Jul 16, 2020 |
I liked The Teacher's Funeral, but not nearly as well as A Year Down Yonder. It still has the small country town feel, but the story just didn't seem to hold my attention like the previous Richard Peck books I've read. ( )
  BookishHooker | Dec 16, 2019 |
This book is hilarious. It takes place in 1904 when the one-room schoolhouse in rural Indiana may be shut down on account of the death of the teacher, thus The Teacher's Funeral. Russel, our 15-year-old hero, anticipates freedom to roam, but at the last moment, a new teacher is selected and things get very interesting from there!
  cyctorres | Jul 21, 2018 |
Don't let the title put you off - this book is actually pretty darn funny. A large part of it is the reader, Dylan Baker, who brings a wryness to Peck's words that is perfect. You can just imagine him cringing as his sister becomes his teacher at the little schoolhouse in the middle of America. Would it be a great read? I have no doubt, and would also recommend it for a book club, just for the sheer love of it all. It is pure fun and giggles, again, despite what the title might lead you to expect. Treat yourself, and enjoy this trip back into the past, as cars began to challenge the horse and buggy for the roadways and educators like Tansy wanted to make sure their students learned beyond the seventh grade. ( )
  ptkpepe98 | Mar 19, 2018 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 48 (suivant | tout afficher)
Patrick Jones (VOYA, December 2004 (Vol. 27, No. 5))
This novel demonstrates the intelligence and integrity of VOYA's review system. To list Peck's ample achievement and awards would exhaust the word limit; suffice to say, Peck is the epitome of literary excellence and his latest book is no exception. Peck fills his coming-of-age story with vivid characters like Aunt Maud and dazzling use of vernacular in the book's voice and dialogue. Set in rural Indiana at the turn of the twentieth century, the "reckons," "Maws," and "jists" are stacked like rows of corn as Peck pulls readers inside life in a one-room school. After their teacher dies, fifteen-year-old Russell, his brother Lloyd, and their schoolmates hope that the school will be closed, but sadly a new teacher is hired, who just happens to be Russell's older sister Tansy. And that is when things get interesting-or do they? How will the Hee Haw humor play in a hip-hop culture? It is hard to imagine any teen reading this book unless already a fan of Peck's writing, not just because of the genre (historical fiction historically ranks low on teen reading surveys), but rather because of Peck's attraction with historical re-creation, not fast action or funny dialogue. Judgments about quality emerge from expertise, while popularity pronouncements stem from experience, but the book's subtitle, "a comedy in three parts," obscures objectivity. Despite pratfalls and privy fires, there is plenty of corn here but little comedy. The cover of the book, like the comedy within it, was not seen. VOYA CODES: 5Q 2P M J (Hard to imagine it being any better written; For the YA with a special interest in the subject; Middle School, defined as grades 6 to 8; Ju
ajouté par kthomp25 | modifierVOYA, Patrick Jones (Dec 1, 2004)
Elizabeth Bush (The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books, November 2004 (Vol. 58, No. 3))
News that the superannuated mistress of their rural Indiana school house has, at last, passed away sends fifteen-year-old Russell Culver into a fit of premature rejoicing. Now he can shuffle off the remainder of his academic career and get on with farming--preferably in the Dakotas with his best buddy Charlie. However, he didn't count on the locals actually hiring a new teacher for the tiny band of reluctant scholars at Hominy Ridge School, let alone his own older sister, Tansy, who's just the bargain the tight-pursed citizens are looking for. Tansy's no genius, but she certainly knows every trick in the farm kids' book and, mustering a wagonload of common sense, she fashions a somewhat eccentric curriculum and actually manages to haul Russell and Charlie through their eighth-grade exams, win the approval of the school superintendent, and meet her future husband among her classroom charges. Although there is a clearer trajectory to the Culvers' tale than in Peck's more anecdotal offerings A Year Down Yonder and A Long Way from Chicago (BCCB 1/01, 10/98), the author's deft hand at setting and milking comedic scenes is again strongly in evidence, from the practical jokes surrounding the ghost of the unlamented Miss Myrt Arbuckle, to the strenuous retrieval of an overweight neighbor from a schoolyard ditch. Kids with reservations concerning their own teachers better not look to Russell for sympathy. Review Code: R -- Recommended. (c) Copyright 2004, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. 2004, Dial, 190p, $16.99. Grades 5-8.
ajouté par kthomp25 | modifierThe Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books, Elizabeth Bush (Nov 1, 2004)
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If your teacher has to die, August isn't a bad time of year for it.
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But that was far in the invisible future. If there's one thing you can't see at the age of fifteen, it's ahead.
"They'd do anything to keep me down."


"That's the way people is who ain't goin' anyplace in life theirselves. They don't want you goin' anyplace either."
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In rural Indiana in 1904, fifteen-year-old Russell's dreams of quitting school and joining a wheat threshing crew are disrupted when his older sister takes over the teaching at his one-room schoolhouse after mean old Myrt Arbuckle "hauls off and dies."

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