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Takemusu Aikido-Basics Concluded

par Morihiro Saito

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from cover

This volume entitled Takemusu Aikido: Basics Concluded is the third of the comprehensive series by Morihiro Saito presenting the aikido techniques of Morihei Ueshiba O'Sensei. Volume 3 covers the following series of techniques: koshinage, tenchinage, kaitennage, morotedori kokyuho, suwariwaza kokyuho, and jujinage. This work is profusely illustrated with nearly 400 photos and includes detailed, step-by-step explanations and commentary on each technique.

The author, Morihiro Saito, is a 9th degree black belt and author of the highly acclaimed technical series, Traditional Aikido, Saito Sensei enrolled as a student of Morihei Ueshiba in 1946. One of the art's foremost technicians, he is the acknowledged authority on aikido weapons training. Saito Sensei operates Ueshiba's private dojo in Iwama, Japan and serves as guardian of the Aiki Shrine. He has traveled extensively throughout the world teaching his comprehensive aikido training methods.

Ikuko Kimura is the Japanese editor of Aiki News. Stanley Pranin is a 5th degree black belt and the editor-in-chief of Aiki News/Aikido Journal which he founded in 1974.

Saito began his aikido training under the founder of aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, in Iwama in 1946 after having practiced some kendo, judo and karate. Although other students such as Koichi Tohei trained with Ueshiba for more years than Saito did, Saito's work allowed him to train almost as an uchideshi, for long periods as the only student. From 1946 until Ueshiba’s passing in 1969, Saito served as Ueshiba's assistant in a variety of ways at Iwama while his wife served Mrs. Ueshiba. During Saito’s period as a deshi he taught classes in the Iwama dojo. Before his death Ueshiba gave Morihiro Saito the responsibility of carrying on the teaching at the Iwama dojo and also the position of caretaker of the Aiki Jinja located in Iwama.


Preface; Editor's Note
Basic Techniques
Shomenuchi Kaitennage; Yokomenuchi kaitennage; yokomenuchi kaitennage ki no nagare; katatedori kaitennage (uchi); katatedori kaitennage (soto); ryotedori kaitennage oyowaza (uchi); tsuki kaitennage
shomenuchi koshinage (1)
shomenuchi koshinage (2)-shihonage form
yokomenuchi koshinage (1)-ki no nagare (shiho nage form)
yokomenuchi koshinage (2)-shihonage form
yokomenuchi koshinage (3) ki no nagere
yokomenuchi koshinage (4)
katatedori koshinage (1)
katatedori koshinage (2)
katatedori koshinage (3) shihonage form
katatedori koshinage (4) shihonage form
ryotedori koshinage (1-3)
ryotedori koshinage (4) shihonage form
morotedori koshinage (1) shita kara ue
morotedori koshinage (2) shita kara ue
morotedori koshinage (3) ue kara shita
morotedori koshinage (4)
morotedori koshinage (5) shihonage form
morotedori koshinage (6) shohoneage form
munedori (katate) koshinage
munedori shomenuchi koshinage
katadori koshinage (1)
katadori koshinage (2)
katadori koshinage (3) shihonage form
ryokatadori koshinage ki no nagare
kosadori koshinage (1-3
kubishime koshinage
tsuki koshinage (1-3)
ryotedori tenchinage kihon
katadori tenchinage
ryotedori tenchinage ki no nagare
munadori jujinage
ushiro ryotedori (katate) jujinage
ushiro munadori (katate) jujinage henka
suwariwaza kokyuho (1-5)
Morotedori kokyuho
Morotedori kokyuho (1-4)
  AikiBib | May 31, 2022 |
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