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Taekwon-do and I-The Vision of Exile: Any Place Under Heaven is Do-Jang

par Hong Hi Choi

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The memoirs of Choi Hong-Hi, the founder of Taekwon-do.

The Little Giant, Chi Hong-Hi, created taekwon-do as a modern sport and developed it as the world-famous martial art in two decades of devotion. Being a founding member of the South Korean Armed Forces, and the foremost calligrapher of his time, he was at the front of the movment for Korean Unification. The panoramic memoir of his life is an epic drama.

General Choi was born on Nivember 9, 1918 in Hwae Dea, Hamkyung Buckdo, NOrth Korea.

After studed in the Ckhu-Oh University in Japan he graduated form the Military School in Seooul, Korea in 1946. Gen. Choi is one of he founding members of the Armed Forces of the Repblich of Korea.

As retired from the military service in 1961 he was appointed and seved as the first Ambassador of Korea to Malaysia in 1962.
Gen. Chi undertook incessant and devoted researches in the field of martial art from March of 1946. Eventually on April 11, 1955, he proclaimed the name, Taekwon-Do by assembling he naming boards for the martial art he developed.

In September of 1959, Gen. Choi founded the Korea Taekwon-Do Association.

In 1966, Gen. Choi founded the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF), with associations of 9 countries. He, in 1972, sought political refuge in Canada and while in exile, he promoted taekwon-do throughout the entire wold.

On September 2, 1999, Gen. Choi founded the International Martial Games Committee (Martial Arts Games Committee) and was amoved to the president of it.

Literary works:
Military Intelligence
The Korean Art of Self-Defence
Encyclopedia of Taekwon-Do
Moral Guidance

A magnificent story of a man who changed the world.

Finally the true story of the roots of Taekwon-Do.
Product Description
Tae Kwon Do and I Combined this is both volumes 1 and 2. It is placed inside a beautiful collectors box for postarity and safe keeping as there are only a few hundred of these books left in print.

General Choi Hong Hi created Taekwon-Do and developed it as the world-famous martial art in two decades of devotion. Being a founding member of the South Korean Armed Forces and the foremost calligrapher of his time he was at the front of the movement for Korean Unification. The panoramic memoir of his life is an epic drama in 2 volumes titled 'Taekwon-Do and I'. Also included in this set is 'The Moral Guide Book' - a collection of maxims and teachings by ancient wise men intended to aid in establishing a lifestyle based on a solid code of morality. This title was directly translated by General Choi Hong Hi This three book set includes: Taekwon-Do and I Vol 1: Motherland the Land in Turmoil (601 pages) Taekwon-Do and I Vol 2: The Vision of Exile: Any Place under Heaven is Do-Jang (562 pages).


Part 1 the crafty secretary general
The moment when night turns into day
Korea, the unknown
Taekwon-do introduced in Malaysia
Prime Minister Tunku Rahman
Death of my mother
Changing outlook on life
Japanese diplomacy and golf game
Back to my home country
Taekwon-do, the national sport
Difficult birth of the English version manual
Taekwon-do on a goodwill mssion
The birth of the International Federation
Part 2 The proudly presented martial art of Korea
Aborted plan for the 'Taekwon-do Center'
The Vietnam War and taekwon-do
Nonsence of the ignorant
A failure looks like a success
An aroma made an inn-keeper cry
Foundation of the martial art control body
Awkward situations
Level of instructors in the U.S.A.
Seminar in a restroom
Nations in teacher student relationship
Travels like running a marathon
Publishing a magazine with swindlers
Beef ribs and tabasco sauce
Absurd reconcilation committee
Part 3 An exile
Close exodus
A book has more power than Korea
Disapppointment in the immigration process
A small and wide world
The disadvantage of being healthy
Declaration of giving up my offspring
Disturbed by the Koran diplomatic officers
The first world taekwon-do champioinship
Impeaching the traitor of Korea
An adventurous road
Living in another world
People's movement in Tokyo
The patriotic decision of General Choi
An episode of antique arts
Part 4 Pyong-Yang
Opening the iron curtain
The last days of Hyung-Wook Kim
Jung-Hee Park is assassinated
Bridging the Eastern and the Western world
Meeting the President, Kim Il-Sung
Going to my home town with a demonstration team
A thief pretending to be the real owner
Miracle with taekwon-do
An attempt to assassinate Doo-Hwan Jun
Penetrating the heart of Japan
Heaven saved me
Encyclopedia of taekwon-do
The unfathomable human mind
Part 5 The whirling tornado
Taekwon-do introduced to mainland China
Losing a chance
All kinds of happenings
The fruit of persistence
About the two Kims
Echo of 'Yankee go home'
Fund from taekwon-do
The sixth world championshiop in Budapest
Breaking a Maginot Line
Unalterable name of taekwon-do
The number nine and I
The World Youth and student Festival and Pyong-Yang Hahk-Byung comrades
Part 6 Hardhips and their fruit
Vietnam revisited
An expulsion
Worth taking it to the limit
Happier than Jesus
One step away from death
As if the thief helped
Homecoming in 46 years
Taking a danagerous risk
The President of Uzhekistan
A patriot, Chon Jin-Shik
Epilogue to the second volume
  AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
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