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Pool Man: A Nightmare in Riverton Novel par…

Pool Man: A Nightmare in Riverton Novel (édition 2022)

par Dan McDowell (Auteur)

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1241,660,891 (4.6)Aucun
In 1991, a mysterious death at The Oak Hollow Hotel disrupts the predictable life of longtime amputee and "Pool Man," Greg Preakle, leaving him jobless and desperate for cash. Resorting to participating in a bizarre, high risk game show to make ends meet, Greg struggles until a new job and obnoxious boss catapult a once mundane life into a bloody mess, unlocking new meaning to past tragedy and bad habits he wants nothing to do with. With intensity rising, curiosity leads him places he should never go. Will he crack under the pressure?… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Pool Man: A Nightmare in Riverton Novel
Auteurs:Dan McDowell (Auteur)
Info:Black Rose Writing (2022), 188 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Pool Man par Dan McDowell


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Let me be clear--horror is not my go-to genre and McDowell's voice is unlike any other author I've read.

But I couldn't stop reading Pool Man! McDowell's droll humor brings main character Greg Preakle to life and makes Riverton a town you'd want to avoid.

You've got to check this one out.
( )
  Cam_Torrens | Mar 17, 2023 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
WOW, I NEVER SAW THIS COMING!!! Poor Gregory enlisted to please his dad, had a horrible accident and lost his arm, he had been clearing pools until he found a dead man in the pool as got fired!! It seemed that everywhere he went he found DEAD BODIES! First it was his mom, then the man in the pool, the man in the high school, and on and one. I WAS SURPPRIZED WITH THE END, AND I WANT MORE! ( )
  HOTCHA | Sep 20, 2022 |
I enjoyed the pace at which this book held throughout the entire reading. There were never any dull plot points and it moved along quite well. There is a lot of creativity involved and I found myself having difficulty explaining to others what I was reading because I didn't want to ruin anything in case they read it. Sometimes the writing made me think it was downplaying certain events, but I came to realize that was the author's style. Definitely recommend for a quick read! ( )
  snerison | Aug 1, 2022 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
Enjoyed every page of it. Greg’s character has been analysed to a great depth, which helps even more to comprehend the book at its finest. The plot was amazing too. ( )
  irenekoumbi | Jul 20, 2022 |
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In 1991, a mysterious death at The Oak Hollow Hotel disrupts the predictable life of longtime amputee and "Pool Man," Greg Preakle, leaving him jobless and desperate for cash. Resorting to participating in a bizarre, high risk game show to make ends meet, Greg struggles until a new job and obnoxious boss catapult a once mundane life into a bloody mess, unlocking new meaning to past tragedy and bad habits he wants nothing to do with. With intensity rising, curiosity leads him places he should never go. Will he crack under the pressure?

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Le livre Pool Man de Dan McDowell était disponible sur LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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Dan McDowell est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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