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The True Love Bookshop (2022)

par Annie Rains

Séries: Somerset Lake (3)

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"For Tess Lane, owning Lakeside Books is a dream come true, but it's the weekly book club she hosts for the women in town that Tess enjoys the most. The gatherings have been her lifeline over the past three years since her husband's mysterious death. Tess has tried to move on, but when River Harrison shows up on her doorstep, all her lingering questions come rushing back.... River, a former marine turned private investigator, was her husband's best friend, and seeing him again is a reminder of everything Tess lost. At first, she tries to ignore him, but Tess comes to realize that this is her chance, once and for all, to find the answers that have troubled her for years. With the support of her friends, Tess joins River on a journey of discovery that leads them to the edges of Somerset Lake and on a road trip down the Carolina coast. Although their adventure isn't always easy, Tess starts to find the joy in life again. But when secrets surrounding her husband's death are finally revealed, can Tess find it in her heart to forgive the mistakes of the past ... and maybe even open herself up to love again?"--… (plus d'informations)

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The True Love Bookshop by Annie Rains
Somerset Lake series #3. Contemporary clean romance. Can be read as a stand-alone. It’s only the epilogue that includes anything more than a name for tithe prior couples. Warning: infidelity in the past must be dealt with in story.
Tess lost her husband to a car accident several years in the past. His former best friend, River is back in town and stirring up memories and feelings that Tess isn’t sure she’s ready to deal with.

Family drama as Tess finds out more than she expected about her late husband while River carefully courts her.
It’s emotional and touching and sweet and engaging. The concept of journaling was an interesting addition that has a lot of support and science behind it that can be found online.

“The point for this one [the bookclub] was friendship, food, and fiction. The best three f-words in the dictionary if you asked Tess.”

“ if a man cries alone and no one is there to see him, does he still have tears in his eyes?”

I received a copy from Forever, the publisher. ( )
  Madison_Fairbanks | Jul 20, 2022 |
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For my kindred spirits, the booklovers
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"For Tess Lane, owning Lakeside Books is a dream come true, but it's the weekly book club she hosts for the women in town that Tess enjoys the most. The gatherings have been her lifeline over the past three years since her husband's mysterious death. Tess has tried to move on, but when River Harrison shows up on her doorstep, all her lingering questions come rushing back.... River, a former marine turned private investigator, was her husband's best friend, and seeing him again is a reminder of everything Tess lost. At first, she tries to ignore him, but Tess comes to realize that this is her chance, once and for all, to find the answers that have troubled her for years. With the support of her friends, Tess joins River on a journey of discovery that leads them to the edges of Somerset Lake and on a road trip down the Carolina coast. Although their adventure isn't always easy, Tess starts to find the joy in life again. But when secrets surrounding her husband's death are finally revealed, can Tess find it in her heart to forgive the mistakes of the past ... and maybe even open herself up to love again?"--

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