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Delta par Tom Starita

Delta (édition 2022)

par Tom Starita (Auteur)

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Jason Carico is a grieving father, desperately trying to come to grips with the loss of his eight-year-old stepdaughter, Delta, who drowned two months ago. But if she's dead, then why is there a little girl claiming to be Delta locked up in his basement? Desperately wanting to believe her, Jason attempts to live a normal life while hiding his nightmare below. His anxiety explodes when his late wife's sister appears on his doorstep. Can he trust her? Would she believe him? And what will the police think if they ever find out the only African American man in town has a white girl trapped in his basement? The haunting motto of Mother's death cult tolls throughout the book, "The Universe has a plan, independent from the wants of man."… (plus d'informations)
Auteurs:Tom Starita (Auteur)
Info:Black Rose Writing (2022), 314 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Delta par Tom Starita


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I enjoyed this story all the way until the very end. Without giving too much away here, I can say the mystery of Delta held grabbed my attention from the very beginning and held it. I expected to be giving this at least a 4 star review. However, the ending of this book felt so rushed and unfinished. Now, I don't believe a story has to be all tied up with a neat little bow, but this one really felt less like a cliffhanger and more like we're missing a huge piece of the story. I also struggled with the writing style in this book. I had to reread almost every section of dialogue because of the way its formatted. It always appear the opposite person is speaking. For example:

“Soooo.” Colleen laughed again.
“So, what’s going on with you?” Colleen eyed him and
“You know I’m going to Med school, right?” A hint of
embarrassment flushed his cheeks.
“Really? Shit, I had no idea.” Colleen continued to clean the
This reads like Colleen is the first speaker, then Jason responds, etc. with Colleen ending the conversation. However, it's completely opposite. Jason is actually the first and last speaker in this conversation. It was really hard to read dialogue in this book. Overall, the story told in this book is imaginative and has a lot of potential, but the book as a whole leaves a lot to be desired. ( )
  ke1289 | Jul 1, 2022 |
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Jason Carico is a grieving father, desperately trying to come to grips with the loss of his eight-year-old stepdaughter, Delta, who drowned two months ago. But if she's dead, then why is there a little girl claiming to be Delta locked up in his basement? Desperately wanting to believe her, Jason attempts to live a normal life while hiding his nightmare below. His anxiety explodes when his late wife's sister appears on his doorstep. Can he trust her? Would she believe him? And what will the police think if they ever find out the only African American man in town has a white girl trapped in his basement? The haunting motto of Mother's death cult tolls throughout the book, "The Universe has a plan, independent from the wants of man."

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Le livre Delta de Tom Starita était disponible sur LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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