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The Moon's Eye: The Relics of War: Book 1

par A.J. Calvin

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Récemment ajouté parEdSpader, KatKinney

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I’ve been so excited to start AJ Calvin’s new series because I really enjoyed her standalone urban fantasy, HUNTED. In THE MOON’S EYE, Vardak, a warrior and one of the scorpion men, is tasked by the gods to protect Jana, the mortal daughter of another god in her quest to retrieve a magical relic—The Moon’s Eye. First they have to find the relic. Then they have to make the perilous journey to get it. The world building is richly described. Vardak and Jana’s world is a harsh desert wasteland where multiple tribes and races live and author AJ Calvin describes each one in intricate detail. This really reminded me a lot of the style of SJM’s Throne of Glass with all the different complex story perspectives, the twisted court politics, the magic, blackmail and betrayal, but of course it was a unique and exceptional story of its own. I loved the detailed world building that went into every aspect of the story. The battle scenes were phenomenal. The descriptions of the world which is desert-based and insect-alien based was just so interesting to read, like Vardak and Jana when they’re on their journey and seeing the artwork on the walls. I loved the Myrkr, the blue skinned silver tattooed warriors led by Arundej, who don’t show their faces. I also found the storyline with Dranamir and the princess to be one that I really enjoyed. I just loved all the storylines and the rich gorgeous storytelling. This was a great book and I’m looking forward to book two! ( )
  KatKinney | Mar 28, 2022 |
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