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Dream: Have You Caught God's Vision? (God's Man Series)

par Kenny Luck

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Take the next step in trusting God: Dream bigger. Every little boy has a dream of one day doing something great. You did too…a long time ago. But the distractions and disappointments of this world seem to have stolen your dream. That dream is still within you. And God is waiting to help you recapture it, expand it, and fulfill it. The Holy Spirit who lives within you is ready to give you the strength and wisdom you need to actualize your dream to advance of God’s Kingdom. Just as King David tapped into God’s power and dreamed of rebuilding the temple, you too can accept and embrace the vision God has given you. This compelling new book by Kenny Luck is a daring challenge to stand up and experience the powerful, personal vision of God for your life. And it’s a companion for you every step of the way. Dream is the second in a bold new series of resources for men like you who are ready to go to the next level in their faith–eager to make God’s vision a reality, and change the world. Look for the Dream Workbook– a hands-on guide for personal or group study!… (plus d'informations)

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Helpful in a dry period of life. It will, indeed, reinvigorate the ability to dream. Not imagine, but dream. Read his book for more on the difference between those 2 terms. ( )
  shdawson | Nov 19, 2012 |
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Take the next step in trusting God: Dream bigger. Every little boy has a dream of one day doing something great. You did too…a long time ago. But the distractions and disappointments of this world seem to have stolen your dream. That dream is still within you. And God is waiting to help you recapture it, expand it, and fulfill it. The Holy Spirit who lives within you is ready to give you the strength and wisdom you need to actualize your dream to advance of God’s Kingdom. Just as King David tapped into God’s power and dreamed of rebuilding the temple, you too can accept and embrace the vision God has given you. This compelling new book by Kenny Luck is a daring challenge to stand up and experience the powerful, personal vision of God for your life. And it’s a companion for you every step of the way. Dream is the second in a bold new series of resources for men like you who are ready to go to the next level in their faith–eager to make God’s vision a reality, and change the world. Look for the Dream Workbook– a hands-on guide for personal or group study!

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