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Celebrating Our Cuentos: Choosing and Using Latinx Literature in Elementary Classrooms

par Julia López-Robertson

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1671,340,329 (4.5)Aucun
Dr. Julia Lo?pez-Robertson makes a case for infusing our classrooms with literature by a range of Latinx authors and illustrators -- voices that reflect our students' experiences and provide a window into the cultures of people from Spanish-speaking countries and communities. She shows how to identify quality literature by checking for bias, stereotypes, and cultural and linguistic authenticity. From there, she explores how to put the literature to work in whole-class lessons, read-alouds, small group discussions, and writing projects to nurture engaged readers.… (plus d'informations)

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An AMAZING book that will help all of the teachers in the future. Different stories on how to contribute literature into your classrooms.
  leilanig | Dec 2, 2022 |
I learned more from this textbook than the other and I think it was so interesting to have a textbook feel so familiar. I wish every textbook was this easy to read and this relevant to my career!
  colingrogan | Dec 1, 2022 |
Great resource to have in the classroom. Shows us various ways of interacting with our students. The textbook was very easy to follow. ( )
  armenta01 | Nov 30, 2022 |
Novel!!/ Textbook. I found this to be such a helpful resource. I made sure to download it so i can use it to reflect and grow when I teach too, I think also her writing style felt so much less like a textbook, and much more like a conversation which is easier to read and understand. ( )
  Ryleegd | Nov 30, 2022 |
Professional novel used in class. ( )
  krscarbrough | Nov 22, 2022 |
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Dr. Julia Lo?pez-Robertson makes a case for infusing our classrooms with literature by a range of Latinx authors and illustrators -- voices that reflect our students' experiences and provide a window into the cultures of people from Spanish-speaking countries and communities. She shows how to identify quality literature by checking for bias, stereotypes, and cultural and linguistic authenticity. From there, she explores how to put the literature to work in whole-class lessons, read-alouds, small group discussions, and writing projects to nurture engaged readers.

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