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The art of repair : mindful mending : how to stitch old things to new life

par Molly Martin

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"For Molly Martin, it all started with a pair of socks. Her favourite pair. When the heels became threadbare, her mother got out her darning mushroom and showed her how to reinforce the thinning stitches and bring them back to life. She has been stitching and darning ever since. In The Art of Repair, Molly explores the humble origins of repair and how the act of mending a cherished item carefully by hand offers not just a practical solution but nourishment for the soul. Using her own beautiful illustrations, she guides us through the basics of the craft - from piecing and patching to the ancient Japanese art of Sashiko. This book will stay with you long after you put down your needle and thread. It offers an antidote to our increasingly disposable lifestyle, encouraging us to reconnect not just with the everyday objects in our environment but also with ourselves"--Publisher's description.… (plus d'informations)

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I borrowed this book from the library because it was highly recommended by Anna Stacey, who is a weaver learning darning and visible mending: she called it "Inspiring".

It's every bit as good as she said. Just by her respect and care for the clothing in this book, Molly Martin conveys both information about how to fix things and why they are worthy of care. There's a particularly fragile purple silk blouse, for example, that has been mended until it can be mended no more, but is currently hanging on a hanger and cherished for its long service. It's now part of the reader's memories as well as Martin's.

I was very pleased to be able to buy my own copy of Art of Repair and remove it from my wishlist. ( )
  muumi | Jan 9, 2024 |
  CathyLockhart | Sep 30, 2022 |
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"For Molly Martin, it all started with a pair of socks. Her favourite pair. When the heels became threadbare, her mother got out her darning mushroom and showed her how to reinforce the thinning stitches and bring them back to life. She has been stitching and darning ever since. In The Art of Repair, Molly explores the humble origins of repair and how the act of mending a cherished item carefully by hand offers not just a practical solution but nourishment for the soul. Using her own beautiful illustrations, she guides us through the basics of the craft - from piecing and patching to the ancient Japanese art of Sashiko. This book will stay with you long after you put down your needle and thread. It offers an antidote to our increasingly disposable lifestyle, encouraging us to reconnect not just with the everyday objects in our environment but also with ourselves"--Publisher's description.

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