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100% India: Indian Industrial Design

par Catherine Geel

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2111,086,983 (3)Aucun
Like an anthropologist's field notebook documenting objects found and bought, 100% India is packed with page after kaleidoscope page of objects and ephemera. Journalist Geel and designer L vy canvass every tangible thing made in India. Even the most mundane items packets of tissues, bottles of detergent, stickers on rickshaws, stamps, and lightbulbs assume a vibrant life of their own. An essay on the history of industry in modern India, snippets of contemporary fiction, and insightful captions round out the picture; bold design mirrors the aesthetic of the objects themselves. An extraordinary journey to the heart of Indian design, 100% India is essential for any designer, traveler, or admirer of the eclectic beauty of India.… (plus d'informations)

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Collects photographs of everyday objects designed and made in India, including packets of tissues, bottles of detergent, stickers on rickshaws, stamps, and light bulbs, with a brief description of each item.
  pinkerfly | Apr 6, 2007 |
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Like an anthropologist's field notebook documenting objects found and bought, 100% India is packed with page after kaleidoscope page of objects and ephemera. Journalist Geel and designer L vy canvass every tangible thing made in India. Even the most mundane items packets of tissues, bottles of detergent, stickers on rickshaws, stamps, and lightbulbs assume a vibrant life of their own. An essay on the history of industry in modern India, snippets of contemporary fiction, and insightful captions round out the picture; bold design mirrors the aesthetic of the objects themselves. An extraordinary journey to the heart of Indian design, 100% India is essential for any designer, traveler, or admirer of the eclectic beauty of India.

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Classification décimale de Melvil (CDD)

338.020954Social sciences Economics Production

Classification de la Bibliothèque du Congrès


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