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The Black Ascot

par Charles Todd

Séries: Inspector Ian Rutledge (21)

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2862295,926 (3.97)24
Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:

Scotland Yard's Ian Rutledge seeks a killer who has eluded Scotland Yard for years in this next installment of the acclaimed New York Times bestselling series.
An astonishing tip from a grateful ex-convict seems implausible—but Inspector Ian Rutledge is intrigued and brings it to his superior at Scotland Yard. Alan Barrington, who has evaded capture for ten years, is the suspect in an appalling murder during Black Ascot, the famous 1910 royal horserace honoring the late King Edward VII. His disappearance began a manhunt that consumed Britain for a decade. Now it appears that Barrington has returned to England, giving the Yard a last chance to retrieve its reputation and see justice done. Rutledge is put in charge of a quiet search under cover of a routine review of a cold case.

Meticulously retracing the original inquiry, Rutledge begins to know Alan Barrington well, delving into relationships and secrets that hadn't surfaced in 1910. But is he too close to finding his man? His sanity is suddenly brought into question by a shocking turn of events. His sister Frances, Melinda Crawford, and Dr. Fleming stand by him, but there is no greater shame than shell shock. Questioning himself, he realizes that he cannot look back. The only way to save his career—much less his sanity—is to find Alan Barrington and bring him to justice. But is this elusive murderer still in England?

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In 1910, a fatal car crash took the life of a female passenger, Beatrice Fletcher-Munro. Her husband, Harold, who was at the wheel, was injured but survived. The police conclude that Alan Barrington, who had been in love with Munro and hated her husband, tampered with the automobile's brakes, but the suspect disappeared before he could be brought to trial. Eleven years pass. In 1921, after Scotland Yard Inspector Ian Rutledge lends a hand to an ex-convict, Eddie Wade, the man reciprocates by informing Ian that someone he knows spotted Barrington. Apparently, the fugitive is alive and well, but unwilling to turn himself into the authorities.

"The Black Ascot," by the husband and wife writing team of Charles Todd, is the twenty-first in this long-running series of historical mysteries in which Rutledge plays the central role. Ian is a veteran of the Great War who returned shell-shocked and needed therapeutic help to continue functioning. Ian is still plagued by horrific memories, and he frequently hears the voice of his deceased former corporal, Hamish MacLeod, who issues warnings and offers opinions. Rutledge has never married, but he has the love and support of his devoted sister, Frances, and can rely on his good friend, Melinda Crawford, a wealthy widow who is generous and well-connected.

Rutledge takes his motorcar hither and yon, seeking information from individuals who remember details about the principal figures in the Fletcher-Munro Case. During these interviews, new facts come to light. It is clear that the entire truth concerning this tragic and tangled affair has never been revealed. "The Black Ascot" is a complex tale of deceit, jealousy, and betrayal. Among the book's flaws are its chattiness, large and unwieldy cast of characters, and sluggish pace. Still, the authors hold our interest with their evocative descriptions of the English countryside, poignant references to the horrific emotional and physical injuries suffered by many veterans of World War I, and a condemnation of those who lie and cheat in order to avoid taking responsibility for their transgressions.
( )
  booklover1801 | Aug 9, 2024 |
A good read, kept up the enthusiasm, great detail and suspense. ( )
  Craftybilda | Apr 24, 2024 |
I pick up the Ian Rutledge books occasionally, and I've found them mostly good reading. The premise of a man who has come back from WWI with a man he shot during the war inside his head is interesting, and Hamish certainly adds comments and clues to Ian Rutledge's investigations. The Black Ascot is one of the best of the series, in my estimation. I didn't know who the bad guy was until the end, and I enjoyed the twists and turns the story took to get there.
Before the war, a man was accused of tampering with a car's brakes, causing the driver serious injury and killing that man's wife. The man disappeared before a trial, but the uproar in England was similar to the OJ trial here, selling lots of newspapers and causing embarrassment to Scotland Yard. Ian Rutledge takes up the case for a review after ten years and finds more than he bargained for. He's determined to find the man who got away and travels all over England in the hunt.
As I said, this is one of the best of a very good series. If you like historical mysteries, then I suggest you pick this one up. ( )
  N.W.Moors | Feb 7, 2023 |
What a great story! Ian’s investigating a 10 yr. old cold case of a man who disappeared after murdering a woman. There’s many loose strands and they’re all connected spreading out like a spider’s web. As he travels around zigzagging from London to the countryside to interview suspects, he’s shot in the head and believes he’s attempted suicide. Ian can’t give up even while out on sick leave and does some exciting covert sleuthing. Very clever ending where he tricks his suspect and a nosey reporter and saves his job. ( )
  Kathy89 | Jan 23, 2023 |
The Black Ascot by Charles Todd is the 21st book in the Inspector Ian Rutledge series. I had an ecopy of this book, but most of the book did I listen to (a very enjoyable workday) and I found the audiobook version pleasurable. Although to be honest, Simon Prebble is not my favorite narrator. He has a voice that I try to get used to, there is a gruffness that I just can't seem to truly enjoy. However, the story is good really good. So after a while, I forgot about the voice and let the story take over.

Now, I have not read more than six books in this series. It was through the Bess Crawford series (by the same author) that I discovered this series and I have to say that so far this is one of the best books in the Ian Rutledge series I have read. I love how Ian Rutledge (and Bess Crawford as well) have a tendency to solve even the most difficult cases. Even those cases that hardly seem like a case. Like the case in this book that seems like an open and shut case. But, is it really so? Slowly Rutledge starts to unravel a mystery only he can solve. Only he is tenacious enough and through small clues does he start to puzzle the case together...

And, I really don't want to spoil the book so I just want to say that it's a great ending!

I want to thank the publisher for providing me with the copy through Edelweiss for an honest review! ( )
  MaraBlaise | Jul 23, 2022 |
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Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:

Scotland Yard's Ian Rutledge seeks a killer who has eluded Scotland Yard for years in this next installment of the acclaimed New York Times bestselling series.
An astonishing tip from a grateful ex-convict seems implausible—but Inspector Ian Rutledge is intrigued and brings it to his superior at Scotland Yard. Alan Barrington, who has evaded capture for ten years, is the suspect in an appalling murder during Black Ascot, the famous 1910 royal horserace honoring the late King Edward VII. His disappearance began a manhunt that consumed Britain for a decade. Now it appears that Barrington has returned to England, giving the Yard a last chance to retrieve its reputation and see justice done. Rutledge is put in charge of a quiet search under cover of a routine review of a cold case.

Meticulously retracing the original inquiry, Rutledge begins to know Alan Barrington well, delving into relationships and secrets that hadn't surfaced in 1910. But is he too close to finding his man? His sanity is suddenly brought into question by a shocking turn of events. His sister Frances, Melinda Crawford, and Dr. Fleming stand by him, but there is no greater shame than shell shock. Questioning himself, he realizes that he cannot look back. The only way to save his career—much less his sanity—is to find Alan Barrington and bring him to justice. But is this elusive murderer still in England?


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