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Once Upon A Time...there was a Little Bird

par DK

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"The story of a little bird with a broken wing and her search for shelter was originally told by the first people to live in North America"--Inside back cover.

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See how cute that cover is? The book matches it all the way!

Little Bird has broken her wing and so she isn’t able to fly south for the winter. When she approaches some trees for help, they refuse her outright. But just as she begins to despair, some other trees pop up with offers of food and shelter till the winter goes by.

This is a lovely retelling of a Native American story about how evergreen trees keep their leaves all through the winter while the deciduous ones stand bare. (The end of the book provides basic information on these two types of trees.) Within a few pages, it drives home the importance of kindness and charity.

This story has the right length and vocabulary to make it perfect for bedtime reading. The illustrations add to the charm of the book. They are vibrant and old school, thus giving adults also a nostalgic feel while kids will be transfixed at the cuteness and vividness of the sketches.

Perfect for all early readers to read, hear and see. Heartily recommended.

My thanks to DK Publishers and NetGalley for the ARC of the book in exchange for an honest review.

Join me on the Facebook group, Readers Forever!, for more reviews, book-related discussions and fun. ( )
  RoshReviews | Jul 30, 2024 |
Intertext time!

For you readers that don't know what Intertexts are, it's when we re-tell a classic tale and put a little spin on it. Once Upon a Time... There was a Little Bird is a re-telling of a classic tale of compassion, typically with Indigenous People in North America. There are many versions of this story hopping around (pun intended), so this is just a new iteration with some lovely pictures to boot!

This is a story of kindness and compassion. Our little bird friend just wants a home in a tree. Is that too much to ask? So many trees don't show kindness to the little bird, with each having their own reason on why they can't help out (some of which seem completely unreasonable). It shows themes of being kind to others and others will be kind to you. It's the whole "treat others the way you want to be treated" line we tell kids. It's an important lesson, and this book does it justice.

Also, the illustrations are STUNNING. I like how classic they feel and how exciting and engaging they are.

Four out of five stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and DK Publishing for providing me a free copy of this book in exchange of an honest review. ( )
  Briars_Reviews | Aug 4, 2023 |
This book was not what I was expecting. A little bird with a broken wing can not fly south for the winter and must find shelter. But most of the trees don’t want to help, until the bird finds the evergreens. Apparently this is an indiginous tale that explains why some trees lose their leaves. I like that the book gives a bit of history of the tale, but I find it odd, it does not list an author in the pages. I wonder if that is because the tale is being told by a non-indiginous person? I like this story, but think it would be better if it was told and illustrated like the indiginious story it says it is. ( )
  LibrarianRyan | Jun 3, 2021 |
This lovingly illustrated small book retells a First Nations lore about why the Juniper, Pine, and Spruce trees are evergreen. Very fine.
I requested and received a free temporary ebook from DK Books/DK Children illustrated by Maja Andersen via NetGalley. Thank you! ( )
  jetangen4571 | May 25, 2021 |
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"The story of a little bird with a broken wing and her search for shelter was originally told by the first people to live in North America"--Inside back cover.

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