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Possum Problems (Magic Magnifying Glass)

par Wendy Ann Mattox

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Join Finley James Carter, a nature exploring, detective playing, God-loving boy, on all his crazy adventures. Each book is filled with fast-paced adventure, funny mishaps and vivid illustrations that kids 6-10 will love. Bible based truths are weaved throughout each action packed story. Who is Finley James Carter? It's me God created me with a super-duper curious brain which is what makes me a great DETECTIVE And little did I know that when I found that shiny silver magnifying glass, that it would turn out to be MAGIC Just how magic is it? Magic enough that when solving a mystery, it makes me shrink and become tiny. I ride Elliott, my best mouse-friend, and together we have all kinds of exciting adventures while we solve whatever mystery God puts in our path. My stories include many other fun friends including Professor Delilah (a majestic butterfly), Bart the mosquito (the bully who tries to scare us), Sam-Sam (a giant garden spider with a huge heart), Borris my friendly dog and Snickers my bullfrog-chasing cat. Plus many more In each story, I give Detective Tips and am drawn outdoors where everything is larger than life, since I am the size of a marble Hang on because you never know what is going to happen. Book 2 Possum Problems Join Elliott and me in this exciting outdoor adventure, where my brain is exploding with questions: - Who ruined Martin's lucky baseball? Was it Perry the Possum?- Will we get eaten by a snake?- What does the new Bible verse on my magic magnifying glass mean? Things get wild and crazy, and I quickly learn that God loves me and is always with me And as I trust Him and work with my tiny forest friends, we discover we are stronger when we work together. Will I be able to solve these tricky cases? Even if I am only the size of a quarter?… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parj6946kelley, psalty, Lindz2012

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The second book in this series of Magic Magnifying Glass is called “Possum Problems.” It seems like we met Perry, and he is a little possum. He seems to have got lost and decided to jump into Fins’ backpack.

What adventures will Fin and Perry get into along with Elliott? There seems to be a baseball mystery for Fin to solve along with two other puzzles. This book reminds me of my experience with a possum for the first time. I met my first ever possum through an incident in my backroom when I checked on my cats. I found him in a wastebasket; it is beyond me how it got in the backroom or the wastebasket. My first words when I told my mom about this strange creature; I called it “Big Fat Rat” though it was not a rat. Though that is what it looked like to me. To this day, we get a laugh out of me calling my first experience with a possum a Big Fat Rat. He ended up back outside once mom came home, and we got it outside on the porch.

I was not scared of the thing. I was more startled and wondering what and how it got into the house. Not so much that it was scary, so this book teaches you what a possum is, and we get an adventure with one. We finally meet Mr. Mole as well. Now snakes are not a favorite of mine, But will Bart learn to be kind or not? Snakes do like mice, I believe. So we meet a snake for the first time in this book. Will Martin’s baseball mystery get solved.

Children will learn about nature and animals in nature. We also see how having friends and asking for help is good. Will James leans to lean on God’s trust. What does the new bible verse mean that shows up on the magnifying glass lens? What trouble will Fin and Perry find when looking for Perry’s family? Does Martin seem to think that a possum might have ruined this baseball? Did he or not. Children will enjoy reading a clean read and learning about wildlife animals. Animal facts are an excellent way to learn about through a book, and children will love them.

I can’t wait to see what the next adventure Fin and his friend Elliott
get up to and what other friends Fin meets along the way. ( )
  Lindz2012 | Aug 8, 2021 |
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Join Finley James Carter, a nature exploring, detective playing, God-loving boy, on all his crazy adventures. Each book is filled with fast-paced adventure, funny mishaps and vivid illustrations that kids 6-10 will love. Bible based truths are weaved throughout each action packed story. Who is Finley James Carter? It's me God created me with a super-duper curious brain which is what makes me a great DETECTIVE And little did I know that when I found that shiny silver magnifying glass, that it would turn out to be MAGIC Just how magic is it? Magic enough that when solving a mystery, it makes me shrink and become tiny. I ride Elliott, my best mouse-friend, and together we have all kinds of exciting adventures while we solve whatever mystery God puts in our path. My stories include many other fun friends including Professor Delilah (a majestic butterfly), Bart the mosquito (the bully who tries to scare us), Sam-Sam (a giant garden spider with a huge heart), Borris my friendly dog and Snickers my bullfrog-chasing cat. Plus many more In each story, I give Detective Tips and am drawn outdoors where everything is larger than life, since I am the size of a marble Hang on because you never know what is going to happen. Book 2 Possum Problems Join Elliott and me in this exciting outdoor adventure, where my brain is exploding with questions: - Who ruined Martin's lucky baseball? Was it Perry the Possum?- Will we get eaten by a snake?- What does the new Bible verse on my magic magnifying glass mean? Things get wild and crazy, and I quickly learn that God loves me and is always with me And as I trust Him and work with my tiny forest friends, we discover we are stronger when we work together. Will I be able to solve these tricky cases? Even if I am only the size of a quarter?

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