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iPlates Volume 1

par Stephen Carter

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Vowing to reclaim the land of his fathers, Zeniff leads a company of Nephites deep into Lamanite territory. But the Lamanites have other plans for them. Can Zeniff defend his city against the Lamanite armies? Will his ambitious son Noah seize the crown? Can the prophet Abinadi save the city from its own wickedness? Adventure, war, betrayal, and redemption await you in iPlates Volume 1, an award-winning comic series based on the Book of Mormon.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté paratari_guy

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This is a comic book version of portions of The Book of Mormon. Both the art and the stories are well done, although there is a lot of creative license taken in both areas. (Carter admits in an explanation at the end that it should be considered historical fiction.) Most of the pages are done in black and white, but there is some color here and there.

The book consists of nine episodes, beginning with the story of Ammon. Unfortunately, we are left hanging when the king decides he wants to learn about the Great Spirit. We then jump into the story of Zeniff and wind up with King Noah, Abinadi, and Alma. These latter story lines are more fully developed and satisfying. And it's not just action, as you might expect from this format; there are also spiritual lessons being taught.

The author (Carter) and artist (Atwood) each have a page at the end where they talk about how the book came to be and their experiences in creating it. Both of them speak of getting to know the characters well enough that they got emotional at Abinadi's death.

This is not a book I would offer to my 7 and 9 year old sons, although they would want to read it. It has graphic violence (nothing is held back when Ammon gets going) and there is a bit of sensuality. They also wouldn't understand the humor. But my 16 year old daughter enjoyed it, although she would not have picked it up herself, not being the comic book type. As she read it, she was confused - particularly due to a relationship between a young Abinadi and youthful King Noah that is not in the scriptures - until I explained that a lot of it is made up. (This is another reason I wouldn't suggest it for younger kids.)

Anyone of appropriate age who thinks the Book of Mormon is boring needs to read this, and I look forward to future volumes. Carter and Atwood have brought portions of The Book of Mormon to life like never before. Where else are you going to find Ammon tending flocks of animals (apparently cureloms) with bodies that look like sheep, but have Pikachu heads? But most importantly, if it motivates you to want to read the book of scripture that inspired it, it will have fulfilled what seems to be its intended mission. ( )
  atari_guy | May 11, 2021 |
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Vowing to reclaim the land of his fathers, Zeniff leads a company of Nephites deep into Lamanite territory. But the Lamanites have other plans for them. Can Zeniff defend his city against the Lamanite armies? Will his ambitious son Noah seize the crown? Can the prophet Abinadi save the city from its own wickedness? Adventure, war, betrayal, and redemption await you in iPlates Volume 1, an award-winning comic series based on the Book of Mormon.

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