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A Snake Falls to Earth par Darcie Little…

A Snake Falls to Earth (édition 2021)

par Darcie Little Badger (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
5052250,315 (3.61)24
Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:Nina is a Lipan girl in our world. She's always felt there was something more out there. She still believes in the old stories.
Oli is a cottonmouth kid, from the land of spirits and monsters. Like all cottonmouths, he's been cast from home. He's found a new one on the banks of the bottomless lake.
Nina and Oli have no idea the other exists. But a catastrophic event on Earth, and a strange sickness that befalls Oli's best friend, will drive their worlds together in ways they haven't been in centuries.
And there are some who will kill to keep them apart.
Darcie Little Badger introduced herself to the world with Elatsoe. In A Snake Falls to Earth, she draws on traditional Lipan Apache storytelling structure to weave another unforgettable tale of monsters, magic, and family. It is not to be missed.
… (plus d'informations)
Titre:A Snake Falls to Earth
Auteurs:Darcie Little Badger (Auteur)
Info:Levine Querido (2021), 384 pages
Collections:Culturally Diverse Purchases 2022/23

Information sur l'oeuvre

A Snake Falls to Earth par Darcie Little Badger


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» Voir aussi les 24 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 22 (suivant | tout afficher)
From ALSC: "Applying conventions of traditional Lipan Apache storytelling, this lyrical novel follows the entwining stories of Native teen Nina and Oli, a snake boy from the spirit world." From Kirkus: "A coming-of-age story that beautifully combines tradition and technology for modern audiences."
  BackstoryBooks | Apr 2, 2024 |
Beautiful story that weaves Indigenous folklore into the modern world. I was engrosse. I didn't want it to end, so the rushed conclusion was a bit heartbreaking. 5 stars despite its flaws. ( )
  boopingaround | Mar 6, 2024 |
This was a fun story full of Native American stories and mythology. I liked how it touched upon climate change and animal extinction in the context of how it was affecting the mirror world and the animal spirit people. I liked how Nina is a modern teenager, who embraces her cultural traditions in a fully modern world. Oli and his friends were great characters that often made me smile. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys reading young adult fiction. ( )
  Cora-R | May 22, 2023 |
This style/genre of book was just not for me. Two universes, dual POV, a Hurricane and a sick road. Maybe for some but not for me. ( )
  Z_Brarian | Dec 12, 2022 |
The moves between Mia and Ollie. There's a hurricane moving toward Mia's grandmother's home. Her abuela has noticed she can't go far from home without her health suffering. People who live on the family homestead live a LONG time. Ollie is a young cottonmouth snake who has the ability to have an animal and human form. He's gently kicked out from the family home to live on his own. He builds his own family. And when his best friend, Ami, is sick with extinction. He has to go to the human world to try to save his life. The stories intertwine. The characters are ones I rooted for, and I really liked when the stories intersected. A satisfying audiobook ( )
  ewyatt | Dec 8, 2022 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 22 (suivant | tout afficher)
This is a quietly polished work, which manages to tie together a diverse array of threads, historical and future, into a quilt that informs without confusing, one that younger readers will enjoy. At the same time, a creaky person like myself can also enjoy it.

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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Darcie Little Badgerauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Hueston, KinsaleNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Taylor-Corbett, ShaunNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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With love, I dedicate these stories
to my mother, protector of knowledge
to T, healer of animals great and small
and to the families we find in unexpected places.
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On the hospital bed, her delicate body cradled between thin white pillows, Rosita dreamed.
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...dammed town, particularly since the beavers replaced every tree they gnawed down.
...all animal people have a knack for communication. We don't all speak the same language, but we're adept at understanding all languages, get it? And I have a particular knack for the skill.
"The homeland," Nina agreed. "It makes sense. Compasses don't work here. Here, where the story begins..."

Here, where the two worlds embraced, and magic rose to the Earth like the enduring water in Rosita's well.
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Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:Nina is a Lipan girl in our world. She's always felt there was something more out there. She still believes in the old stories.
Oli is a cottonmouth kid, from the land of spirits and monsters. Like all cottonmouths, he's been cast from home. He's found a new one on the banks of the bottomless lake.
Nina and Oli have no idea the other exists. But a catastrophic event on Earth, and a strange sickness that befalls Oli's best friend, will drive their worlds together in ways they haven't been in centuries.
And there are some who will kill to keep them apart.
Darcie Little Badger introduced herself to the world with Elatsoe. In A Snake Falls to Earth, she draws on traditional Lipan Apache storytelling structure to weave another unforgettable tale of monsters, magic, and family. It is not to be missed.

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