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A Score to Kettle

par Eryn Scott

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Another great mystery. I love how Eryn winds her mysteries around town, and through the locals plus the ghosts! Makes them complex and fascinating. Her ability to make the ghosts have character arcs, has me forgetting they are ghosts sometimes, which I think is perfection. They aren't just a "oooh the MC can talk to ghosts" throw away part of the plot, but actual people with pasts that need to be reconciled.

Book three brings you more ghosts, more back story, and more closure for all. I absolutely loved it!

While the story is still thick with metaphors, it is down from the previous book, or I am getting used to the flowery descriptions of mundane tasks. I love the cast, and the fact that romance isn't in the series. Rosemary is getting to know the town, and her self better. It's great to watch her grow into an independent person. I still have my fingers crossed that as she finds her self esteem, she will start to make more 'real life' friends, instead of only associating with ghosts. As sad as it will be I am hoping a certain someone will get the closure they deserve and crossover to help Rosemary grow through that loss and lean more on Jolene or another townsperson.

I love that she is becoming a true local in Pebble Cove. No spoilers here. But with the events of this book, I look forward to how it will shape characters and the town in the next book!

These books do spoil the mysteries of the previous in series, so it's important to read them in order. She does sprinkle in all you need to know about the town and characters if you choose to start in the middle of the series though. ( )
  SabethaDanes | Jan 30, 2023 |
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