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The Tin Whistle (The Lattice Trilogy #3)

par Erik Hanberg

Séries: The Lattice Trilogy (3)

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How do you fight a war when the enemy knows your every thought? Byron Shaw is in the fight of his life. His family are hostages, orbiting the Earth in a spaceship that could be destroyed any minute. His enemies are preparing for a final assault. And his allies are powerless help him. So begins the gripping final chapter in The Lattice Trilogy. With the Lattice restored, the improved network is all the more wonderful and all the more terrible for it. With it, Shaw can give his body over to another to control, clone a 900-year old saint, or dip into a raw feed of the Lattice's immense knowledge. But should he? Trapped between his two worst enemies-Taveena Parr and the surviving raiders on one side and Zella Galway and the cartel of corporations on the other-Shaw must blaze his own path if he wants to save his family. The ensuing battle will take the world once more to the brink of global disaster, and in the end, only Shaw will decide the fate of the Lattice.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parSusanWallace, Tanks

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Finally found this book. For a while I could only locate it on Amazon, but wanted it in Nook with the others. The final installment in the science fiction trilogy. Enjoyed the whole series. Always in science fiction is the question of what it means to be human. ( )
  SusanWallace | Jul 10, 2021 |
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How do you fight a war when the enemy knows your every thought? Byron Shaw is in the fight of his life. His family are hostages, orbiting the Earth in a spaceship that could be destroyed any minute. His enemies are preparing for a final assault. And his allies are powerless help him. So begins the gripping final chapter in The Lattice Trilogy. With the Lattice restored, the improved network is all the more wonderful and all the more terrible for it. With it, Shaw can give his body over to another to control, clone a 900-year old saint, or dip into a raw feed of the Lattice's immense knowledge. But should he? Trapped between his two worst enemies-Taveena Parr and the surviving raiders on one side and Zella Galway and the cartel of corporations on the other-Shaw must blaze his own path if he wants to save his family. The ensuing battle will take the world once more to the brink of global disaster, and in the end, only Shaw will decide the fate of the Lattice.

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Erik Hanberg est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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