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The Marriage of Innis Wilkinson

par Lauren H. Brandenburg

Séries: Coraloo (2)

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1071,894,427 (4.29)Aucun
'I was completely charmed by The Marriage of Innis Wilkinson. What a marvelous sequel to The Death of Mungo Blackwell. Lauren is a refreshing, talented storyteller. She's an author I've added to my favorites list.' Rachel Hauck, NYTimes Bestselling Author Roy Blackwell has proposed to Margarette Toft. A controversial decision given their families are sworn enemies! Soon Coraloo's feuding clans are competing to organize events for the most talked about wedding of the year... and glorious chaos ensues! But as the depth of the two families' animosity becomes clear, Roy and Margarette's relationship begins to falter. Then Roy unearths a town secret involving the mysterious marriage of Innis Wilkinson and a murder. Parallels between the past and present rock the couple even further. But, as the whole truth comes to light, Roy and Margarette learn more than they could have imagined about love, family, and finding a place in the world. Heart-warming and charming, The Marriage of Innis Wilkinson will inspire joy and laughter.… (plus d'informations)

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While this book was interesting, it fell a little flat for me.
It had all the makings of a fantastic book, feuding, mystery, and fun characters, I struggled to get into the story.
Roy's job was a bit unbelievable to me. He acted like nothing ever happened in the town, yet was arresting people for a variety of crimes all the time. Also, what police officer doesn't have something to defend himself with?
However, all that said, I really did enjoy Innis's perspective from the past. I found her to be a special and unique character.
All in all, this story was not spectacular but nice if you are looking for a quaint read full of small-town life.

Rating: 3/5
Language: n/a
Romance: some but not much
Spiritual: characters are Christians
Violence: murder mystery

*I received a copy of this novel from the author. All thoughts are my own and a positive review was not required. ( )
  libraryofemma | Apr 18, 2024 |
I laughed so hard. I'd read this again, and I'd recommend this book to everyone. I'll be reading more from this author, for sure. ( )
  amyearls | Mar 21, 2024 |
Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC copy of this book.

The first few chapters of this book left me quite sad, thinking that it was going to be one of those "quirky books", a la Jonathan Safran Foer, setting the story into a Dr. Seuss world, where nothing makes sense and the story is hard to follow. But luckily I was very wrong!
The plot is apparently simple: Margarette Toft and Roy Blackwell are in love and want to get married, even though their families are the equivalent of the Montagues and Capulets. Very much not in love.
As I said it seems simple and basic, but once you get into the story you start to fall for these characters, so full of life and so realistic it's almost scary.
There is also another story, similar and parallel to the main plot, that stood out to me as a very interesting plot twist, but I obviously cannot say anything about it.
Lastly, the book is beautifully written. The words flow in a perfect arrangement and it is honestly a pleasure to read.
Give this book a go and you won't regret it! ( )
  Valebaby | May 10, 2023 |
This book returns to the whimsical and quirky town of Coraloo to tell the story of a few characters but mainly of Constable Roy, Margaret Toft and of course Innis Wilkinson. The town of Coraloo is definitely an interesting place filled with residents that are involved in each other's lives and even more interesting traditions.

Constable Roy and Margarette Toft are planning to get married but when they go tell their family members it all goes down the tubes and the family is in an uproar. Both their families are at war with each other and do not get along. Although the story revolves mainly around the wedding we find out that there is mystery as well as there is a possible murder linked to Innis Wilkinson. And I have to say that the scissors on the cover that intrigued me so much do play a key role in the story. (I will not ruin it for you!)

This is definitely very different from any book that I have picked up this year. Although I must be honest it took me a while to get into it but I didn't feel like it needed to be abandoned and I am glad I didn't. It was refreshing and to read. This author definitely has a unique writing style that I can't say I love or disliked because it was an interesting read that drew me in eventually. It definitely took me out of my reading comfort zones and I am glad it did.

(I received a copy of this book from the author through Just Read. I was not required to post a positive review. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.) ( )
  thedeffenbaughs6 | Dec 26, 2020 |
A few pages into The Marriage of Innis Wilkinson I knew this book was unique, having a tone and feel that I haven't felt in a book in a very long time. There is something about the small town of Coraloo that has the words "quirky" and "charming" echoing through the pages. With feuding families, and long-time held traditions that make no sense whatsoever to an outsider, you feel like you're in a time warp instead of modern day, and feel lucky to catch a glimpse of this unconventional town.

The novel parallels two very different, yet strangely similar timelines. The first is the wedding planning of two lovebirds, Roy and Margarette, each from one of the feuding families, the Tofts and the Blackwells, that have hated each other for generations. So long, in fact, that no one can give a clear answer of why the hatred for the other is so strong! The just let the feud continue, and both Roy and Margarette hope that their union will bring about peace to the rivals. To make things even more ambitious they plan on having the wedding by the end of the month.

The second timeline is the life story of Innis Wilkinson, the illusive cleaning lady of Coraloo, who was also the old seamstresses daughter, a woman who had her own superstitions, and made Innis's life all the more compelling.

The majority of the story takes place during the annual festival that happens in Coraloo every May, a festival that also brings out all the crazies with it. I actually got lost in this zany world, loving the wedding aspect, the kooky details of the festival, the planning, and finding out the great mystery that shrouds both Innis Wilkerson, and her husband. I can't leave out all the unbelievable traditions! To enter into the Blackwell family you need to read an instruction manual first!

To say I was utterly charmed by this story is an understatement. Loving the uniqueness of the town and its inhabitants gave it a real feel, and yet at the same time it felt like a delusion. I caught myself several times bouncing back and forth with the idea of real or imaginary, with a goofy grin on my face, loving every moment of this fun read!

The Marriage of Innis Wilkinson is so refreshingly different from many of the tropes out there right now, which is why I think I enjoyed this book as much as I did! Well, that and who couldn't fall in love with such a uniquely special town and all its inhabitants! A amazingly unique read for sure, but one that with absolutely charm the pants off you!

*I have voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book which I received from the publisher. All views and opinions are completely honest, and my own. ( )
  cflores0420 | Nov 20, 2020 |
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'I was completely charmed by The Marriage of Innis Wilkinson. What a marvelous sequel to The Death of Mungo Blackwell. Lauren is a refreshing, talented storyteller. She's an author I've added to my favorites list.' Rachel Hauck, NYTimes Bestselling Author Roy Blackwell has proposed to Margarette Toft. A controversial decision given their families are sworn enemies! Soon Coraloo's feuding clans are competing to organize events for the most talked about wedding of the year... and glorious chaos ensues! But as the depth of the two families' animosity becomes clear, Roy and Margarette's relationship begins to falter. Then Roy unearths a town secret involving the mysterious marriage of Innis Wilkinson and a murder. Parallels between the past and present rock the couple even further. But, as the whole truth comes to light, Roy and Margarette learn more than they could have imagined about love, family, and finding a place in the world. Heart-warming and charming, The Marriage of Innis Wilkinson will inspire joy and laughter.

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