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The Hat Boyz (2019)

par Erick Pepper RIVERA

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Comic and Graphic Books. Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

Benny, a half black, half Mexican teenager, is awaiting a letter from the court to find out if he'll be sent to an affluent neighborhood to live with his father. But before the letter arrives, he's extorted by his mother's boyfriend. Now he has to sell drugs to keep his addicted mother out of prostitution. The only thing is, he doesn't know how. Only his street-smart Chicano friend Indie can help out. To finish the job, the two attend a backyard punk show in South Central LA. But when things go wrong, Benny comes face to face with the LAPD in an uncompromising situation. Written by a Watts native, The Hat Boyz explores the world of a naïve young man growing up in America and the relationship of a historically underserved community with the police.

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A 17-year-old boy on the verge of getting out of the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles finds himself dragged into dealing drugs for a week to help out his addicted mother. He reluctantly wanders around making sales in a melancholy funk with a more enthusiastic buddy until an inevitable collision with some police officers.

The creator says he was inspired by the story of Trayvon Martin, and the book is not bad, but it doesn't seem to offer much beyond what has come before in movies like Fruitvale Station or from just reading the news for the past year or history from the past way too many decades. ( )
  villemezbrown | Feb 13, 2021 |
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To my mother Elena Rivera for being the strong woman that she is and always doing her best to steer a young man in the right direction, away from the temptations of the street.
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1398 E. 109th Street
Watts, California. Monday morning

Good morning, Los Angeles. It's 7 o'clock on the nose. If you're just tuning in, you're listening to "Poetry: The American Classics" on K-P-E-P with Michael James. Today we'll be listening to poet Jackie Hampton's recital of Allen Ginsburg's "America" written in 1956.
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Comic and Graphic Books. Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

Benny, a half black, half Mexican teenager, is awaiting a letter from the court to find out if he'll be sent to an affluent neighborhood to live with his father. But before the letter arrives, he's extorted by his mother's boyfriend. Now he has to sell drugs to keep his addicted mother out of prostitution. The only thing is, he doesn't know how. Only his street-smart Chicano friend Indie can help out. To finish the job, the two attend a backyard punk show in South Central LA. But when things go wrong, Benny comes face to face with the LAPD in an uncompromising situation. Written by a Watts native, The Hat Boyz explores the world of a naïve young man growing up in America and the relationship of a historically underserved community with the police.


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