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Amy Cooper Forever

par Craig Mullins

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He loves her and always will.But Amy Cooper betrayed him.And now she has to die.Pinky has always wanted to write his autobiography, now he has the time.He wants to tell his story of why he had to kill his one true love.And he wants to tell it his way.Philip Thorne is the unfortunate PC that discovers her body.But he has secrets.Secrets he keeps for more than twenty years.DI Sian Price isn't happy with a crime from twenty years ago.Something doesn't ring true.What she discovers shocks her to her core.Who really killed Amy Cooper?… (plus d'informations)

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Started reading this one for my book club and try as I might, I just couldn't get into it. The characters didn't click well with me at all. I just didn't like them.
The beginning of the book is very... rough. I really had trouble grasping what was going on as the POV changed from character to character and back again. Some smoothing out would make the book more engaging and easier for the reader to understand what the author is trying to convey.
I personally feel that if you're going to use profanity in a book, you should use it in a profound way in order to emphasize a point or bring the subject home. But this book is riddled with swear words as the characters use them in their every day speech. It was too much for me.
I also found multiple typos and spelling errors. A good once over by an editor would be a good idea.
The book has great potential though and I'm sure it would be really fun to read with some minor adjustments.
Thank you to the author for this opportunity to read their book. I hope this critique helps a bit. 😊 ( )
  SumisBooks | May 15, 2020 |
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He loves her and always will.But Amy Cooper betrayed him.And now she has to die.Pinky has always wanted to write his autobiography, now he has the time.He wants to tell his story of why he had to kill his one true love.And he wants to tell it his way.Philip Thorne is the unfortunate PC that discovers her body.But he has secrets.Secrets he keeps for more than twenty years.DI Sian Price isn't happy with a crime from twenty years ago.Something doesn't ring true.What she discovers shocks her to her core.Who really killed Amy Cooper?

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