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Ron Carlson Writes a Story (2007)

par Ron Carlson

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1784158,637 (3.78)10
Ron Carlson has been praised as "a master of the short story" (Booklist). In this essay collection, Ron Carlson Writes a Story, he offers a full range of notes and gives rare insight into a veteran writer's process by inviting the reader to watch over his shoulder as he creates the short story "The Governor's Ball." "This is a story of a story" he begins, and proceeds to offer practical advice for creating a great story, from the first glimmer of an idea to the final sentence. Carlson urges the writer to refuse the outside distractions--a second cup of coffee, a troll through the dictionary--and attend to the necessity of uncertainty, the pleasures of an unfolding story. "The Governor's Ball"--included in its entirety--serves as a fascinating illustration of the detailed anatomy of a short story.… (plus d'informations)

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4 sur 4
[[Ron Carlson]] has merged the two forms of writing about writing into one slim offering - the more esoteric musings on the writing life as a whole with the more workmanlike 'how to' perspective. He takes the reader through one of his own short stories, one step at a time, all the while laying out the world around him and his own thoughts at each stage. The result is one of the perfect guidebooks for short form writing, and elucidations on what it means to be an author.

5 bones!!!!!
Highly recommended! ( )
  blackdogbooks | Feb 19, 2023 |
Ron Carlson takes the reader through the process of writing a story, focusing a great deal on how to create the "physical world" of the story, and why this is so important. I found the book to be encouraging and enlightening. There are so many wonderful bits of wisdom about the writing process in this book, it is definitely worth reading. ( )
  NancyStebbins | Aug 24, 2009 |
super! I've used his methods successfully. Great exercises. Short book - only 112 pages, but has done me more good than many larger books. ( )
  pcalico | Jul 16, 2009 |
One of the best books about writing I've read, this book made me want to sign up for every class Carlson teaches (too bad I don't live anywhere near him). He is engaging and friendly, all the while giving brilliant insight into the writing process. I will read this one again. ( )
  Alirambles | Apr 4, 2008 |
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Ron Carlson has been praised as "a master of the short story" (Booklist). In this essay collection, Ron Carlson Writes a Story, he offers a full range of notes and gives rare insight into a veteran writer's process by inviting the reader to watch over his shoulder as he creates the short story "The Governor's Ball." "This is a story of a story" he begins, and proceeds to offer practical advice for creating a great story, from the first glimmer of an idea to the final sentence. Carlson urges the writer to refuse the outside distractions--a second cup of coffee, a troll through the dictionary--and attend to the necessity of uncertainty, the pleasures of an unfolding story. "The Governor's Ball"--included in its entirety--serves as a fascinating illustration of the detailed anatomy of a short story.

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