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Steal My Heart (Prosperity Ranch Book 2)

par Heather B. Moore

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Disaster seems to follow Evie Prosper’s dating life everywhere. A fresh start can only mean leaving Prosper forever, which is what she’s determined to do, until she meets Carson Hunt. He unknowingly saves her from another dating disaster, yet their paths keep crossing. Carson is relocating to Prosper of all places, and if Evie could change that one thing about him, she might rethink their connection.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parsroot, Carol777, cflores0420, Suzie27, cyncie

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If you've read my review of the first book in the Prosperity Ranch series, One Summer Day, you will know that this series did not have a great start for me personally, so when I picked up Steal My Heart I was hesitant. I am pleased to say that this book was a much more pleasant experience for me, and heightened my love for this series exponentially!

Evie and Carson are adorable!! From their unique first meeting, and all the chance meetings afterward, you could easily see the writing on the wall, but it was charming nonetheless. The town of Prosper is still what I remembered from the first book, but the author did a wonderful job of adding information from the first book here and there, so if you haven't read the first installment, or it's been awhile since you've read it and need a refresher, you don't feel lost or like you're missing anything. In other words, it's a great standalone!

The writing flows beautifully, and is in the perfect Heather B. Moore style, and I finished this book quite quickly. I must admit that Carson Hunt STOLE my heart! He was hands down my favorite character, and I thoroughly savored the love that grew between him and Evie.

I now can't wait to get my hands on the next book in the series, Not Over You. Knox Prosper has been on my radar since the first book, and I can't wait to hear his side of the story. ( )
  cflores0420 | Jun 24, 2020 |
After reading book one in the Prosperity Ranch series, I would have never guessed at Evie Prosper’s insecurities, or the circumstances that led to them.

In Steal My Heart, Heather B. Moore exposes a character who is almost the complete opposite of Holt Prosper (who we all came to love in One Summer Day) and gives her the hero she needs. Carson Hunt is Evie’s protector from their first meeting, but he also gives her the strength and encouragement she needs to discover her courage. And Carson isn’t without his own hurts from the past.

With pressure from family, emotional wounds surfacing from her past, and her eyes set on a future career that does not include returning to the tiny town of Prosper, can Evie have it all? Or will she have to sacrifice love to live her dream?

Disclosure statement: I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book and was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own. ( )
  Suzie27 | Apr 18, 2020 |
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Disaster seems to follow Evie Prosper’s dating life everywhere. A fresh start can only mean leaving Prosper forever, which is what she’s determined to do, until she meets Carson Hunt. He unknowingly saves her from another dating disaster, yet their paths keep crossing. Carson is relocating to Prosper of all places, and if Evie could change that one thing about him, she might rethink their connection.

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