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The minister's wife : a memoir of faith, doubt, friendship, loneliness, forgiveness, and more

par Karen Stiller

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"To belong helps me to believe. We are all messy and miraculous, at the same time. Church scrapes us up against each other. It skins our knees. It wounds and then it heals. We are supposed to love each other all the time, and I don't think it ever stops being hard. We are people with ragged edges. And because we are in community with each other, pointed in the same general direction toward God, gathering, worshiping, praying, and eating at all those carb-filled potlucks, we help each other grow. Candid, funny, and tender, The Minister's Wife is a memoir in essays that transports you into one woman's life while inspiring you to think differently about your own. As Karen Stiller shares her own deep-from-the-heart experiences as a minister's wife-with forgiveness, marriage, parenting, doubt, loneliness, and much more-she welcomes us all to join her on a rich, difficult, yet ultimately grace-filled spiritual adventure"--… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parakblanchard

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As journalist Karen Stiller’s memoir abundantly illustrates, it’s not easy to be married to a member of the clergy. As the wife of a Canadian Anglican priest, she has gracefully dealt with the demands of her husband’s career, the needs of her children, and the expectations of parishioners, all while keeping her own strong faith intact. This engaging memoir would be helpful to anyone who wants to understand the challenging life of a minister’s wife, and would be especially encouraging to those thinking about, or actually living in, such a role. Highly recommended.

I received an electronic pre-publication copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I was not compensated in any way. ( )
  akblanchard | Mar 27, 2020 |
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"To belong helps me to believe. We are all messy and miraculous, at the same time. Church scrapes us up against each other. It skins our knees. It wounds and then it heals. We are supposed to love each other all the time, and I don't think it ever stops being hard. We are people with ragged edges. And because we are in community with each other, pointed in the same general direction toward God, gathering, worshiping, praying, and eating at all those carb-filled potlucks, we help each other grow. Candid, funny, and tender, The Minister's Wife is a memoir in essays that transports you into one woman's life while inspiring you to think differently about your own. As Karen Stiller shares her own deep-from-the-heart experiences as a minister's wife-with forgiveness, marriage, parenting, doubt, loneliness, and much more-she welcomes us all to join her on a rich, difficult, yet ultimately grace-filled spiritual adventure"--

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