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His Lady in Hiding

par Jen Geigle Johnson

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2141,086,983 (4.25)Aucun
"Lady Elizabeth Davenport is desperate. Her hand in marriage has been offered to the highest bidder, a distressing proposition in and of itself but made all the more repulsive when she meets her father's first choice for her hand: Lord Pinweather. When her parents refuse to hear her pleas Liz is forced to take drastic measures--she will impersonate her maid and begin anew in America on her own terms. Once Liz is on board the ship to America, another passenger, Lord Barton, almost immediately discovers her true status as a noble. After listening to Liz's highly modified version of her life and her plans to begin again, Barton has compassion on her and teaches her how to abandon her noble mannerisms. Upon disembarking, however, Barton's generous spirit quickly dampens when he discovers Liz has indeed found work--as his own head housekeeper. Suddenly, the tender feelings they hid from each other on the ship are inescapable, but their difference in station makes romance impossible. As misunderstandings abound and a shocking character from Liz's past looms, she knows she can't hide her true identity forever. But as her deception begins to unravel, will her charade cost her the man she loves?"-- Provided by publisher.… (plus d'informations)

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Seventeen-year-old Lady Elizabeth refuses to allow her father to sell her into marriage with the odious Lord Pinweather. To save herself, she passes herself off as a housekeeper and sets sail for America. Along the way, she meets Lord Barton who sees through her disguise almost immediately. Will love grow between them despite the "class divide" that separates them, or will Lord Pinweather find her first?

What I liked about this story was the unique nature of where part of it happened. It was interesting to see the Regency Era set on a ship and in Philadelphia. I did like how real life people, Richard and Sarah Allen, were woven into the story.

But I just didn't like the rest of the story. I especially didn't like Liz. From the start she comes across as a headstrong and immature young woman, and she didn't grow much by the end. It seemed highly unlikely that anyone would hire her for a position that a mature woman would have taken on. I couldn't understand why Lord Barton fell in love with her.

There were other points in the story that were too much a stretch. Perhaps this author's style is just not for me.

I received a free copy through NetGalley and am reviewing of my one wish. All opinions expressed are my own. ( )
  TheQuietReader | Apr 20, 2020 |
I escaped into a good book and loved it! There is so much stress happening in the world around us. Finding a good book that I could read without being distracted by the news or the fact that I had the privilege of staying home was a huge blessing. It was also nice to be reminded that somewhere out there (including fictional characters) someone is going through something hard. #flattenthecurve

Elizabeth Davenport is a remarkable character. The courage in adversity she shows is remarkable. I don't think I could have left a privileged home at 17 to escape marriage to a vile man. (Well, when I write it that way, maybe!) She voyages across the ocean to America to make her way as a housekeeper. She is young and untried but she is determined to make a life for herself on her own terms.

Fortune smiles upon her when she is sleeping in a jolly boat and that comes loose from its riggings and she finds herself alone at sea in a raging storm. Yes, fortune! That is when Lord Barton comes to her rescue and saves her. This is where the fun begins! I loved the friendship and respect that forms between them. There is attraction, but Lord Barton knows that it cannot last because of their "differences" in station.

This is a regency romance told on two continents. I fell in love with the story and the characters. The book holds romance and the desperate desire of a woman seeking escape from the future that her father planned for her. There is also the menace that Lord Pinweather holds, he is not willing to give up the prize that he has plotted and planned for.

Source: I received a complimentary copy. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. ( )
  Bookworm_Lisa | Apr 8, 2020 |
I was so captivated by His Lady in Hiding, by Jen Geigle Johnson. When I was almost halfway through the book I foolishly stopped to go to sleep. Every time I woke up my mind went to the book and what would happen next. It drew me in completely. Courage, inner strength, bravery, and goodness. These words describe the character of Lady Elizabeth well. She and each of the characters are so well-written. I loved the ending of this book. There were so many twists, so much change and unexpected occurrences. The love story was so sweet and enduring. Truly beautiful. I highly recommend it!
I received a complimentary copy of the book. All opinions are my own and are expressed voluntarily. ( )
  Lara-C | Apr 2, 2020 |
His Lady in Hiding by Jen Geigle Johnson rates as a clean romance with a lovely strain of romantic tension that made me reluctant to put it down. I rooted for Liz and Lord Barton to get together as the obstacles to their relationship kept arising. Though there was limited character development, the story held my attention from beginning to end. I especially liked seeing the way the household (and later the community) rallied together to protect and care for Liz. The novel briefly touched on themes of advocating for others and loving one’s neighbor, but the spiritual content is pretty light.

His Lady in Hiding by Jen Geigle Johnson is a stand-alone novel that will appeal to readers looking for a clean romance with faith-based themes lightly woven in. 4.5 Stars!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided a copy of this ebook by the publisher. All opinions in this review are my own. ( )
  BeautyintheBinding | Mar 21, 2020 |
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"Lady Elizabeth Davenport is desperate. Her hand in marriage has been offered to the highest bidder, a distressing proposition in and of itself but made all the more repulsive when she meets her father's first choice for her hand: Lord Pinweather. When her parents refuse to hear her pleas Liz is forced to take drastic measures--she will impersonate her maid and begin anew in America on her own terms. Once Liz is on board the ship to America, another passenger, Lord Barton, almost immediately discovers her true status as a noble. After listening to Liz's highly modified version of her life and her plans to begin again, Barton has compassion on her and teaches her how to abandon her noble mannerisms. Upon disembarking, however, Barton's generous spirit quickly dampens when he discovers Liz has indeed found work--as his own head housekeeper. Suddenly, the tender feelings they hid from each other on the ship are inescapable, but their difference in station makes romance impossible. As misunderstandings abound and a shocking character from Liz's past looms, she knows she can't hide her true identity forever. But as her deception begins to unravel, will her charade cost her the man she loves?"-- Provided by publisher.

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