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The Siren and the Deep Blue Sea

par Kerrelyn Sparks

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745371,837 (4.17)Aucun
"Raised on the magic-seeped Isle of Moon, Maeve is used to unusual powers--and the way they fuel the politics of her world. But when she discovers an ability to shape-shift at will, she knows who she wants to share it with first. Brody, the enigmatic, infuriating shifter-spy has always made time for Maeve. But it's been almost two months since she's seen him. And though no one else believes Brody is in danger, Maeve is more than ready to rescue him herself. The rumors Brody's investigating are terrifying: a secret army of magic-users, in the service of the cruel Circle of Five. But when he uncovers the identity of one of the Five, the mission becomes personal. Cursed as a boy by the Sea Witch, Brody can spend only two hours a day in his human form, a restriction that limits his future and muzzles his heart. Plus Maeve teases him for being such a pretty doggy instead of appreciating his manly charms. To win his freedom, he must take on a terrible disguise. And when Maeve finds out, she'll unleash a tempest like no other . . ."--… (plus d'informations)

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5 sur 5
A good ending to a fun series. I have greatly enjoyed the series as a whole, so I'm sad to see it end, but this was a fitting end, tying things up neatly and effectively. It's a romance series, so there wasn't a LOT of worry about anyone, even in the side plots, being killed, but i still appreciate that they all made it and that everyone gets their best HEA. ( )
  tanaise | Jul 17, 2022 |
I don't have a review for this book. Re: my cozy rating... This series has battles, but they are written like you're watching from a distance, somehow. Not sure if that's a good thing in general, but it wasn't graphic so I've included the books on my cozy fantasy romance shelf.
  JaneBuehler | Jun 9, 2022 |
I enjoyed this book quite a bit. I have enjoyed this series from the very beginning and I was really excited to finally read Brody's story. This is the final book in the series and I would recommend reading the series in order if at all possible. It was really easy to slip back into this world and fun to check in with some much-loved characters. I am so glad that I was finally able to work this book into my schedule.

Each book in this series focuses on a different couple and Maeve and Brody take the stage in this installment. Maeve is the youngest of her adopted sisters and she is feeling a bit left out since her sisters are all married and queens of their own realm. Maeve is a selkie and feels a special connection to Brody, who has the ability to change into any animal but can only hold his true form for 2 hours per day. Since she hasn't seen Brody for a while, she sets off to find him and ends up having quite the adventure.

I really liked Maeve and Brody as a couple. They have a lot of challenges to overcome in order to be together but they are both determined to make it work. It was obvious that they really did care for each other and I thought that the chemistry between them was very well done. I liked that they were both facing their own personal challenges. Maeve learns a lot about where she came from and there are a lot of revelations revealed about Brody's past.

I thought that the climax of the story was very well done. It was nice to see how everything finally worked out for all of the characters in the series. There were quite a few surprises along the way and I had a lot of fun seeing all of the key players work together to fight for what they believed in. There were plenty of exciting scenes to keep things interesting throughout the story. I really appreciated the fact that we got to see a secondary romance in this book as well.

I would recommend this series to others. I had a lot of fun with this paranormal romance filled with great characters and plenty of excitement. I will definitely be read more of this talented author's work in the future.

I received a digital review copy of this book from Kensington Books via NetGalley. ( )
  Carolesrandomlife | Nov 16, 2020 |
The Siren and the Deep Blue Sea by Kerrelyn Sparks

The 5th and final book in the Embraced series. Sweeping Fantasy romance. You definitely want to read the other books first to avoid spoilers.

Maeve is the youngest of the girls raised on the Isle of Mist. Her four adopted sisters are all Queens of their respective lands (which we found out in each of the prior 4 books) and married to their predicted loves. Maeve is feeling a bit at loose ends. With her sisters busy with children and duties, Maeve just wants to find Brody. He’s been missing for months. She is worried and a bit lonely. Could he be in trouble or is he avoiding her because of his curse?

Loved this fantasy series and a bit sad to see it end. This was a fantastic wrap up with a bonus secondary romance and most of the characters from the prior stories making cameos. A few happy tears at the end. So good. ( )
  Madison_Fairbanks | Aug 19, 2020 |
4.25/5 stars!

In this magical world created by Kerrelyn Sparks, it finally comes to the confrontation between good and evil. The heroine finally gets to shine in her own book, having a pivotal role in this battle, with the aid of her hero and other characters from previous books of this series. Meanwhile, readers get to learn more of the hero and some new characters introduced in this book. Of course, the book also focused on the couple and how their relationship evolved from friends to lovers.

This book features a wonderful set of characters and a world filled with magic and mythical beings. The story flowed quite well, though it would have been better if more details were given to small parts of the book. Previous books of the series should be read before this book to get a clear image of this world and characters. Overall, this is a wonderful Kerrelyn Sparks book and series.

*Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy.* ( )
  DilowRosas | Jul 21, 2020 |
5 sur 5
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"Raised on the magic-seeped Isle of Moon, Maeve is used to unusual powers--and the way they fuel the politics of her world. But when she discovers an ability to shape-shift at will, she knows who she wants to share it with first. Brody, the enigmatic, infuriating shifter-spy has always made time for Maeve. But it's been almost two months since she's seen him. And though no one else believes Brody is in danger, Maeve is more than ready to rescue him herself. The rumors Brody's investigating are terrifying: a secret army of magic-users, in the service of the cruel Circle of Five. But when he uncovers the identity of one of the Five, the mission becomes personal. Cursed as a boy by the Sea Witch, Brody can spend only two hours a day in his human form, a restriction that limits his future and muzzles his heart. Plus Maeve teases him for being such a pretty doggy instead of appreciating his manly charms. To win his freedom, he must take on a terrible disguise. And when Maeve finds out, she'll unleash a tempest like no other . . ."--

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